No 'Us' (Part 1)

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*a week later* (sorry I keep skipping around so much)

Vic isn't feeling well today, he won't be in school. Andy was caught skipping class, he's in ISS for the rest of the day. I was walking back to class from the bathroom and of course, I'm taking my sweet time. 10 minutes on my way to the bathroom, spend 5 minutes in the bathroom, and 10 minutes on my way back to class. I'm a slow walker, no doubt XD. Anyways, yea, I was walking and I heard footsteps walking behind me in the distance. It's probably no one, but I was getting chills on my spine. I've felt this person's presence before, but who is it? I turned and saw...Kellin. "Kells...hey." I said, keeping my distance. I don't think he's given up on me yet. "Hi, (y/n)..." he said. "W-what's up? I haven't seen or talked to you in a while..." I said. "You'd know what's up if you'd text me or call me...why'd you stop? I don't have a problem with you. I have problems with Vic. You're fine." he said. He kept walking towards me and I kept my distance, walking backwards, keeping my eye on him. "I stopped because you weren't on good terms with Vic. I didn't think he'd want me talking to you." I explained. "Well we need to talk again sometime...about a lot of things." he said. "Yea? Like what???" I asked. We were nearing the end of the hallway. "About us." he answered. "Us? As friends?" I asked. He smiled, "yea :)" I got to the end of the hallway and stopped walking. "Ok...if it's about our friendship...I'll come over later..." I said. "It is about our friendship...please do come over." he said. I nodded and waved goodbye, he just stood there, smiling. I walked back to class and my teacher questioned my arrival time. I told him my stomach was sick and he took that excuse.

I went to Kellin's house after school. I pulled into Kellin's driveway and rang the doorbell. He opened in seconds and I sat in his livingroom. "Why don't we go to my room?" he asked. "Uh-ok." I said, unsure about going to his room...he's my friend, I should be ok. I sat on his bed and he closed the door, he stood across the room, staring at me.  "So what's up?" I asked. "I...still love you..(y/n).." he said. "As a friend...Right?' I asked. "No, not like that. I still have feelings for you." he explained. "Oh..." I said, unsure of what to say. "yea....(y/n)'d be so happy with me...give me a chance. C'mon." he said. "Kellin, I'm dating Vic. I'm not just gonna drop him all of a sudden for someone else." I said. "But he doesn't have that much time for you! He's all about his band and stuff. Soon...he won't even remember you. He'll probably find someone else and forget he ever went out with you." he said. "How did you know about Vic's band?" I asked. "I was talking with Andy and he told me about how you asked him to go over to your apartment. He said it was sad. You were lonely cuz Vic was busy with band stuff...(y/n), I'd never make you feel lonely." he said. "No, Vic doesn't have much time. But whenever he makes time...he makes it the happiest moments of my life. He tries. And about his band...I hope nothing but the best for him. I hope he's a success." I said. "And what about when his band goes on tour? Is he gonna leave you here? Are you gonna leave with him and abandon your own dreams? Your dream about becoming a (what you wanna be when you grow up)???" he asked. "I'm not worrying about that right now. Because what if he doesn't succeed? We will both stay here and we'll be ok." I said. "Wow, you really always have a response for everything. How bout this question....Will there ever be an 'Us'?" he asked. "Kellin...idk." I answered. He walked over to me, his eyes burning through mine. He grabbed my chin, so I couldn't look away from him. "If we will never be together...please be generous enough to give me a taste of what it's like to be yours."

(a/n: guys...I am so good. That last line tho. XDXD)

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