Ch 3 Dinosaurs Vs Fossils

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Jaden and Alexis awoke the next day to having done some fun activities last night. Jaden, Hassleberry, Syrus, and Alexis were walking to school when Hassleberry screamed in pain. He had just been bitten by the alligator Shirley. Jim came running to stop the violent act that Shirley had done. Jim said "sorry mate Shirley has never acted like this before." Jaden and got in front of to protect her if Shirley thought that a girl would be a good snack. Jaden asked "what is her problem?" Jim said "it is in the air the smell has made Shirley more aggressive."

Then Hassleberry's eyes turn into that of a T-Rex and attack Jim. Jim was able to keep away and get Shirley from starting an all out brawl between a Dino DNA boy and a fully angry alligator. Then Hassleberry did something that none not even Jim could have anticipated. Hassleberry wanted to duel and the only way to get Hassleberry back to normal was to duel him and win. Jim was surprised at this and was even more surprised when Jaden told him that Hassleberry had Dino DNA. Jaden and the rest of the gang gave Jim and Hassleberry some space so that they could duel.

Hassleberry said "my turn, I draw. I special summon Gilasaurus in attack mode (1400atk). Now I sacrifice him in order to summon Dark Driceratops in attack mode (2400atk). I will play one card face sown and end my turn." Jim said "my turn, I draw. I summon Flint Cragger in attack mode (800atk). Now I use its effect by sending it to the Graveyard I inflict 500 points of damage to you. Next I play Fossil Fusion to remove from play my Flint Cragger and your Gilasaurus to fusion summon Fossil Dragon Skullgar in attack mode (2500atk). Now attack his Dark Driceratops. With that I will play one card face down and end my turn."

Hassleberry said "my turn, I draw. I summon Babycerasaurus in attack mode (500atk). Now I play the field spell Jurassic World. Now all Dinosaur type monsters gain 300 attack points. Now before I end my turn I play my face down Volcanic Eruption to destroy all cards on the field and since Babycerasaurus was destroyed using a card effect I can special summon Sabersarurs from my deck to the field in attack mode (1900atk). With that I will end my turn."

Jim said "my turn, I draw. I play Dowsing Burn to remove from play Dark Driceratops from your grave. Now I can destroy your Sabersaurus. Now I summon Sample Fossil in attack mode (?atk). I now activates its first effect to special summon your Sabersaurus from the grave to my side of the fieldf in attack mode. Now my monster gains attack points equal to that of your Dino. Now due to my Sample Fossils effect Sabersaurus can't attack. But Sample Fossil can so now attack him directly. With that done I will end my turn."

Jaden and Alexis were impressed by Jims dueling. Hassleberry said "my turn, I draw. I play Card of Variation to draw two cards. Now I play Living Fossil to special summon Babycerasaurus from my gracve to the field in defense mode (500def). Now I tribute my Babycerasaurus to play Big Evolution Pill. Now I can summon any Dinosaur-type monster without a tribute. Now I summon Sauropod Brachion in attack mode (1500atk). Now I activate Tail Swipe and target my Sauropod Brachion. Now all the monster other than Brachion returns to the owners hands now. Now attack him directly Sauropod Brachion. Now I will discard my Sabersaurus from my hand to not take damage from Card of Variation. With that done I will end my turn."

Jim said my turn, I draw. I play Specimen Inspection by sending Sample Fossil from my hand to the grave I can declare one monster type and level. Once that is done you must send that type and level to the graveyard. I choose level 8 Dinosaur-type monster. So now you have to send that type of monster to the graveyard." Hassleberry send Ultimate Tyranno from his deck to the graveyard. Jim said "I play Fossil Fusion to remove Sample Fossil and your Ultimate Tyranno from your grave to summon Fossil Dragon Skillgios in attack mode (3500atk)."

Hassleberry's Brachion switched into defense mode the moment Jim summoned that monster (300def). Jim said "now I will attack your Dino. Due to the effect of my monster the attack and defense of your monster is switched. And did I forget to mention that my monster has piercing damage so now this duel is over." With that the duel was over and both Hassleberry and Jim were worn out and took a long nap right where they were. Jaden, Alexis, and Syrus left the area so that they could sleep in peace.

Jaden and the gang stubled upon Chazz and Adrian dueling. Both had fought well but Adrian had the last laugh and won the duel. Chazz fell down and passed out and so did Adrian. Soon everyone on the island was passing out after duels and Miss Fontaine needed more room and what happened next she didn't know. Viper said that the bands were working well but said that some of the students may not have been ready for this challenge. Viper went to his hid out and started to gather more energy for the one that he served.

Jaden on the other hand had had enough. He, Jesse, Jim who had got back from his nap, Hassleberry also had come to, Syrus, and Alexis went to Vipers hid out. They were let in and Jaden had to duel Stein a teacher that had joined Vipers side because he belived that he had made Alexis a slacker like himself. Viper was watching the duel and used Alexis so that Jaden would duel. Alexis was about to drown when Jim rescued her. She then rushed to find her husband and found him on the ground. Jesse had ran into the Trapper and Jesse won but lost a lot strength. Jaden and the rest of the gang took the elevator to the top to find Viper waiting for them and Axel had joined them.

Viper said "Jaden it is time for you to fall and my son to rise." Jaden said "not going to happen I will beat you and we will all be free from the bio bands." Viper laughed and said "go ahead and try I will beat you and then nobody will get in my way again." Jaden and Viper prepared for the battle that would decided the fate of duel academy.

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