Ch 9 The Card

853 13 3

Jaden prepared to beat this monster that had captured his friends. Brron draws "Broww, Huntsman of Dark World" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1400/800) in Attack Position. He then activates "Wicked Canon". This card's effects will be revealed as the Duel progresses. Jaden draws "Elemental HERO Sparkman". Jaden's hand contains "Elemental HERO Avian", "Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird", "Contact Out", "Assault Armor", and "Battle of Sleeping Spirits". Jaden then Normal Summons "Sparkman" (1600/1400) in Attack Position. "Sparkman" attacks and destroys "Broww, Huntsman of Dark World" (Brron 4000 → 3800). The effect of "Wicked Canon" then activates, allowing Brron to send "Wicked Rune - Anger" from his Deck to the Graveyard. As a result of Chazz having the orb that represents Anger, he disappears and is absorbed into "Wicked Canon".

Brron draws "Zure, Knight of Dark World" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1800/1500) in Attack Position. "Zure" attacks and destroys "Sparkman" (Jaden 4000 → 3800). Brron Sets two cards.

Jaden draws "Elemental Hero Neos". He then Normal Summons "Elemental Hero Avian" (1000/1000) in Defense Position. Brron then activates his face-down "Darkness Half" to target "Zure, Knight of Dark World", halve its ATK ("Zure": 1800 → 900/1500), and Special Summon two "Dark Tokens" (1000/1000 for both) in Attack Position on Jaden's side of the field. Brron then activates his face-down "Dark Tournament" to switch "Avian" to Attack Position and force all of Jaden's monsters to attack this turn, however no monsters will be destroyed by battle this turn.

"Avian" and the the two "Dark Tokens" attack "Zure". None of the attacks destroy "Zure" (Brron 3800 → 3700 → 3600 → 3500). The effect of "Wicked Canon" activates three times, allowing Brron to send "Wicked Rune - Anguish", "Wicked Rune - Hatred", and "Wicked Rune - Sadness" from his Deck to the Graveyard. Because of this, Atticus, Tyranno and Syrus are sacrificed into "Wicked Canon".

Brron draws. Believing he won't need Alexis, the fifth sacrifice, to complete "Super Polymerization", Brron activates the last effect of "Wicked Canon" to remove from play the latter card, "Wicked Rune - Anger", "Wicked Rune - Anguish", "Wicked Rune - Hatred", and "Wicked Rune - Sadness" from his field and Graveyard in order to Fusion Summon "Colorless, Chaos King of Dark World", but this action fails as "Wicked Rune - Doubt" wasn't sacrificed into "Wicked Canon".

As an alternative, Brron uses the last effect of "Wicked Canon" to Special Summon "Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World" (2500/1800) in Attack Position as it is a Fusion Material Monster for "Colorless". "Reign-Beaux" attacks and destroys "Avian" with "Reign-Beaux" (Jaden 3800 → 2300). Brron then switches "Zure" (900/1500) to Defense Position and Sets a card.

Jaden draws. He then Tributes the two "Dark Tokens" in order to Tribute Summon "Elemental Hero Neos" (2500/2000) in Attack Position. Jaden then activates "Common Soul" to target "Neos" and Special Summon "Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird" (800/600) in Attack Position. Due to the effect of "Common Soul", "Neos" gains ATK equal to the ATK of "Air Hummingbird" ("Neos": 2500 → 3300/2000). Jaden then Contact Fuses "Neos" with "Air Hummingbird" in order to Special Summon "Elemental Hero Air Neos" (2500/2000) in Attack Position. With "Air Hummingbird" removed from the field, "Common Soul" is destroyed.

Since Brron has more Life Points than Jaden, the effect of "Air Neos" increases the ATK of "Air Neos" by the difference ("Air Neos": 2500 →3700/2000). "Air Neos" attacks and destroys "Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World" (Brron 3500 → 2300). Jaden then activates "Contact Out" to return "Air Neos" to the Fusion Deck and Special Summon "Neos" (2500/2000) and "Air Hummingbird" (800/600) from his Deck in Attack Position. "Neos" attacks and destroys "Zure, Knight of Dark World". Since "Zure" was destroyed, "Darkness Half" is destroyed. "Air Hummingbird" then attacks directly (Brron 2300 → 1500).

Jaden then activates the effect of "Air Hummingbird" to increase his Life Points by 500 for each card in Brron's hand. Brron has two (Jaden 2300 → 3300). Brron then activates his face-down "Revenge Soul" to return "Reign-Beaux" from his Graveyard to his hand.

Brron draws "Dark Corridor" and subsequently activates to add "Celri, Monk of Dark World" from his Deck to his hand and discard it. The first effect of "Celri, Monk of Dark World" then activates, reviving itself to Jaden's side of the field (500/300) in Defense Position. The second effect of "Celri" then activates forcing Brron to discard a card ("Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World"). Since "Reign-Beaux" was discarded by an opponent's card effect, Brron activates its first effect to Special Summon "Reign-Beaux" from his Graveyard (2500/1800) in Attack Position. Brron then activates the second effect of "Reign-Beaux" to destroy all of Jaden's monsters. "Reign-Beaux" attacks directly (Jaden 3300 → 800). Brron then Sets a card.

Jaden's eyes change from the color of brown to golden. Jaden draws "O - Oversoul" and subsequently activates it to Special Summon "Elemental HERO Neos" from his Graveyard (2500/2000) in Attack Position. Jaden then activates "Assault Armor", equipping it to "Neos" and increasing its ATK by 300 ("Neos": 2500 → 2800/2000). "Neos" attacks and destroys "Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World" (Brron 1500 → 1200).

Jaden then activates the second effect of "Assault Armor" to destroy the latter card and allow "Neos" to attack again[Notes 1]. "Neos" attacks directly, but Brron activates his face-down "Corridor to Dark World" to Special Summon "Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World" (2500/1800) from his Graveyard in Attack Position at the cost of not being allowed to summon any other monsters this turn. A replay occurs and Jaden uses "Neos" to attack "Reign-Beaux", causing both battling monsters to be destroyed in a Double KO.

Brron is shown to have "Cobal, Excavator of Dark World" in his hand. He plans to Special Summon "Cobal" on Jaden's End Phase through its first effect. Once it is his turn again, Brron plans to use "Cobal, Excavator of Dark World" to attack directly. Brron would then activate the second effect of "Cobal" to send it to the Graveyard and add "Corridor to Dark World" from his Graveyard to his hand. Brron would then activate "Corridor to Dark World" to revive "Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World" and use "Reign-Beaux" to attack directly.

Jaden then activates "Battle of Sleeping Spirits" to allow both players to Special Summon a monster that was destroyed in battle this turn. Jaden Special Summons "Elemental HERO Neos" (2500/2000) in Attack Position while Brron doesn't Special Summon anything due to "Corridor to Dark World" forbidding him from summoning anything else this turn. "Neos" attacks directly (Brron 1200 → 0).

Brron began to laugh as he was defeated Jaden then said "you lost now what did you do with Jesse?" Brron said "you won't like what you hear." Jaden said "tell me." Brron said "he is up there in the stars with your four friends. You'll never see him again." Jaden said "liar tell the truth no more playing." Then Brron was sent to the stars. 

Then Jaden heard a noise and turned around. He saw Alexis, Axel, and Jim with his pet looking at him. Jaden said "Alexis I am so glad that you are ok." Alexis looked at him and said " Jaden. Are you sure because I don't think you care anymore you have changed Jaden. It is all your fault that our friends are gone. You let us here just so you could feel better Jay, because of Jesse right. Well he is gone like everyone else." Alexis ran off and Jim said "Alexis come back." Axel began to leave when Jaden said "Axel wait." Axel said "looks like you are on your own now." Axel then ran after Jim and Alexis.

Jaden said to himself "on my own. Why is this happening to me? I was trying to make thing right and I ended up making things wrong for everyone." Jaden then yells "why, why did this all happen. How am I going to make things right again." Then the card that Brron was trying to create landed in front of him. In Jaden's mind Jaden said "is that the card the Super Polymerization card that Brron was trying to create. How could he take my friends away from me all for a card and now my own wife won't even talk to me anymore." Then a voice said "Jaden, I want you to be what you were meant to be a great warrior. But for that you need power." Jaden said "power, but how do I get that?" The voice said "that card, Super Polymerization, to unlock its secrets defeat those who appose you and absorb the duel energy that is released." Jaden said "hold on just who are you?" The voice said "the one who rules this world. The Supreme King." Jaden said "Supreme King." Then his eyes turned golden and he didn't respond and him body and mind had been taken over by the king.

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