Ch 11 Battling for a friend

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I hope you guys like this video that I found I like the song and it depicts the fight between Jim and the King

Jim and Axel were very surprised to see Jaden as the supreme king. Then a fiend appeared in front of them and said "surprise." Then he used his power to knock Jim back. Axel said "you ok." Then another fiends stops Axel by putting a sword in his face and he said "one more move and it will be your last." Jim said "Shirley you ok." Then another fiend said "but you won't be soon enough." Jim said "I don't know who you guys are but your not getting in the way of me and my friend so move it and get out of my way." Then two magicians appear and us their staffs to stop Jim from advancing.

Jim said "Jay, we are having a laugh right mate? Where did you find these jokers?" Then one of the magicians said "silence." The other said "slime like you my not address our king." Jim said "it is alright lads, he is a friend tell them Jaden so they can get these swords out of my face." Then one of the fiends said "no more warring mortal." He then attacked and hit Jim in the back were Shirley was. Jim screamed "Jaden." Axel said "back off."

Jim said "come on Jay what is going on? What is with the outfit?" The king then turned around to walk away. Jim said "where are you going?" Axel got free and summoned fire trooper to distract the fiends. Then the fiends saw that they were gone and then one of them said that they should go find them. Then the king said "leave them alone. Their insignificant I am only interested in warriors brave enough to fight." Then the king went into the castle and began to plan his next attack on another area of this world to dominate.

With Jim and Axel they found some water and drank it. Axel was convinced that, that was not Jaden. Jim on the other hand knew it was Jaden but he was different. Jim then told the story on how he got his true eye. Jim was told that when a comet turns a friend walks lost a bandage falls the eye sees the truth. Axel had a hard time believing him but because they were friends he trusted Jim and now it was time for Jim to go and save his friend from the evil that was controlling him.

Jim, Axel, and Shirley went back to the castle and on the bridge Jim was prepared to duel the king and get his friend back. Jim yelled "hey, supreme king if you can hear me mate come on out." Then the fiends that had attacked him and Axel earlier appeared and one said "look who it is." Another said " came back." Another said "this time you won't be leaving." Jim said "take a hike boys I am not here for you I am here to challenge your supreme king to a duel." The fiends backed away but then a dark energy erupted from behind the fiends. The king said "get back. This duel is all mine." Both Jim and the king started their duel disks and said "game on."

Jim said "my turn, I draw. I summon Shell Knight in defense mode (2000def). When this monster is successfully summoned my opponent takes 500 points of damage. I play one card face down and end my turn." The king said "my turn, I draw. first up I play a rather fiendish spell Dark Fusion." In Jim's mind he asked ' what is that I don't like the sound of that, that is a new edition to Jaden's deck.' The king said "with Dark Fusion I combine Elemental Heroes Avian and Burstinatrix to form Evil Hero Inferno Wing in attack mode (2100atk)."

Axel said "so Dark Fusion takes two good guys and makes one back guy." The king said "go Inferno Wing attack this worm." Jim said "I play my face down Sakuretsu Armor. This card destroys an attacking monster." Then king said "normally that would be the cast but because of Dark Fusion things are different. Inferno Wing can't be destroyed by spell or traps on the turn it was fusion summoned." The attack continued and Jim lost 100 life points. Jim said "but my Shell Knight is in defense mode so how did I just take damage just now?"

The king said "by attacking you her ability of piercing damage goes into effect and then she deals damage equal to that of the monster attack or defense which ever one is higher. Since Shell Knight has more defense you lose 2000 life points." Then the bandage that was covering Jim's right eye fell to the ground and then everyone looked at the eye. Jim said "I know your in there Jay I can see you the good you. Your hiding, your hiding because you feel back about something. But there is no reason to hide any longer, it is finally the time."

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