Ch 17 Freeing his Friends

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Jaden and Yubel started their duel disks and said "game on." Yubel said "my turn, I draw. I summon Samsara Lotus in attack mode (0atk). Then I play one card face down and activate Spell Chronicle. Now I remove five cards from the game from my deck and each time you use a spell card my Chronicle will gain a unit of power when I activate it one of the cards that I removed is then selected by you to add to my hand. I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse Avian and Burstinatrix to form Elemental Hero Flame Wingman in attack mode (2100atk). Now Flame Wingman attack and destroy Samsara Lotus." Yubel said "I play my face down Sinister Seeds to reduce the battle damage I would take by the number of seed tokens that will be special summoned which are tow so the battle damage is reduced by 2000. My tokens will be in defense mode." Jaden ended his turn with a face down.

Yubel said "my turn, I draw. I tribute my sinister seed tokens to summon Regenerating Rose in attack mode (0atk). Now my monster gains attack points equal to that of the monster it battles with and if it is destroyed I get two regenerating rose tokens in attack mode. Now my Rose attack Flame Wingman." Jaden said "I play my face down De-Fusion to summon Avian and Burstinatrix from my grave and in defense mode." Yubel then activates the third effect of Spell Chronicle by removing two counters she forces Jaden to choose a card that was removed and Jaden chose Zero Sprite.

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Sparkman in attack mode (1600atk). Now I play Spark Blaster and equip it to Sparkman. Now I use Spark Blaster to change your Regenerating Rose to defense mode and now I attack." But in doing so Yubel gains two Regenerating Rose  Tokens in defense mode. Jaden ended his turn.

Yubel said "my turn, I draw. I play one card face down and now I sacrifice my two tokens to summon out Yubel in attack mode (0atk). Now I attack your Sparkman. All the damage is dealt to you and Yubel is not destroyed in battle. On my end phase Samsara Lotus is special summoned to my field and I send it to the graveyard to keep Yubel on the field. I end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I switch Sparkman to defense mode and play one card face down and end my turn." Yubel said "my turn, I draw. Now Yubel attack Sparkman." Jaden said "I play my face down Hero Barrier to negate your attack." Yubel laughed and said "I play my face down Zero Sprite and equip it to my Yubel and now she can attack you again. Once again my Samsara Lotus is summoned to the field and I send it to the graveyard to keep Yubel on the field. I end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Neospace Wave to send Avian, Burstinatrix, and Sparkman to the grave to summon my Neo-Spacians Aqua Dolphin in attack mode (600atk), Glow Moss in attack mode (300atk), and Air Hummingbird in defense mode (600def). Next I play NEX to tribute my Glow Moss to summon Twinkle Moss in attack mode (500atk) Now I use my Air Humming Birds effect to gain life points 500 for each card in your hand. Now I will have Twinkle Moss attack and I get to draw one card and what happens next is up to the card. I drew Space Gift so now my monster can attack you directly. Now I play Space Gift to draw one card for each Neo-Spacian on my field. So I draw three cards If will end my turn with a face down."

Yubel said "my turn, I draw. I activate my Spell Chronicle so choose a card Jaden." Jaden chose Fiend Rose so it was added to her hand. Yubel said "now my Yubel attack Aqua Dolphin twice. I play two card face down and Samsara Lotus comes back and I will sent it back to keep Yubel on the field."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I use my Air Hummingbird's effect to gain life points again. Now I summon Card Ejector in attack mode (400atk). Now I use it's effect to remove Samsara Lotus from the dame." Yubel said "I play my face down Zero Hole to negate the effect of your monster and destroy it." Jaden said "I play my face down Neo Signal to special summon Neo-Spacian Grand Mole in attack mode (900atk). Now I will attack your Yubel with Grand Mole. Now I use his effect to return both monsters to our hands." Yubel said "I play my face down Hate Buster to destroy both Battleing monsters and inflict damage to you equal to the attack of Grand Mole. Now that Yubel was destroyed other than her own effect I can special summon Yubel - Terror Incarnate in attack mode (0atk)." Jaden said "I will have Twinkle Moss attack and I get to draw one card and it is Elemental Hero Prisma to the battle phase is over. I end my turn with a face down."

Yubel said "my turn, I draw. I attack your Dolphin. Now my Samsara Lotus in summoned back to my side of the field. I now use Terror Incarnates effect to destroy Smsara Lotus and destroy your Air Hummingbird. I end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I sacrifice my Dolphin to summon Elemental Hero Prisma in defense mode (1100def). Now I have Twinkle Moss attack and you know what that means I get to draw a card and it decides what my monster does. The card is Fake Hero so I can attack you directly with that I end my turn." Yubel said "my turn, I draw. Now Terror Incarnate attack Prisma. Now Samsara Lotus comes back and I will destroy that Twinkle Moss of yours as well and my Lotus. I end my turn."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Fake Hero to summon Elemental Hero Neos in attack mode (2500atk). Now I use the effect of Prisma to summon out Rainbow Dragon. Now I activate Polymerization to fuse Neos and Rainbow Dragon to summon the mighty Rainbow Neos (4500atk). Now I use Rainbow Neos third effect to send the top card of my deck to my grave to return all of your cards in the grave to your deck. Now I play my face down Arms Hole to send the top card of my deck to the grave and I get to attac Rainbow Veil to my hand. Now I use my Rainbow Veil to equip it to my Neos. Now if my monster battles another monster that monsters effect is negated during the battle phase. Now Rainbow Neos attack Yubel."

Yubel said "I play my face down Fiend Rose and equip it to my Incarnate and due to the second effecto of Fiend Rose I take no damage and my monster is not destroyed." Jaden ended his turn. YUbel said "my turn, I draw. I activate my Spell Chronicle so now choose a card Jaden." Jaden picked Mystical Space Typhoon and she uses it right away to destroy Rainbow Veil. Yubel then attacks Rainbow Neos. But Jaden removes Necro Gardna from play to negate the attack. Yubel ends her turn.

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Fifth Hope to return Avian, Burstinatrix, Sparkman, Prisma, and Neos from my grave and put them back in my deck and then I shuffle then I get to draw two more cards. Now I summon Elemental Hero Clayman in defense mode (2000def). Now I activate Rainbow Neos' first effect by sending Clayman to the grave I get to return all monsters you control go back to your deck." Yubel smiled and watched as a new form appeared on Yubel's field. Yubel said "seeing that my monster was removed from the field I get to summon Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare in attack mode(0atk)." Jaden ended his turn.

Yubel said "my turn, I draw. Now end this Yubel attack Rainbow Neos." Jaden said "I play my face down Alchemy Cycle to reduce the attack of Rainbow Neos to 0 and is prevented from being destroyed. But now that, that is over I have to remove Rainbow Neos from play. But I am allowed to draw one card." Yubel plays one card face down and ends her turn. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I use Necroshade's effect to summon Neos without a sacrifice. I play two cards face down and end my turn."

Yubel said "my turn, I draw. Yubel attack Neos." Jaden said "I activate my face down Mirage Tube to negate the attack of your Yubel and inflict damage to you equal to the attack of my Neos." Yubel said "I activate my Spell Chronicle so now which will you choose I assume you will pick Grinder Golem." Jaden picks Super Polymerization. Yubel said "I play my face down Chain Material which allows me to use monsters from my deck, my field, my grave, and my hand to use as fusion material. Now I use levels 1 to 12 to unite the 12 dimensions. Now I activate Super Polymerization now fuse the 12 dimensions to make a world were only you and I exist." Jaden said "not quite I play my face down Spiritual Fusion to response to Chain Material allowing me to choice what gets fused together."

Jaden then looks at Alexis and said "I'm sorry Alexis but I have to go away for now I need to get this right so when you see everyone else tell them I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything and never forget Alexis that I love you." Alexis began to cry and she said "Jaden I have something to tell you." Jaden said "what is it?" Alexis said "I'm pregnant." Jaden was shocked at this then he smiled and then he said "I fuse my spirit with Yubel's." Then both Jaden and Yubel were fused together and in doing so all pf Jaden's friends and wife were sent back to duel academy. Then the gang saw that they were alive and well but they turned to see if Jaden had made it back and they asked Alexis were Jaden was. She said "up there in the stars."

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Jaden and his love Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now