Ch 8 The Dark World

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The guys went around the city looking for life. They then see a boy running away from a duel monster. The boy was then cornered and was about to be forced to duel him when Jaden intervended and said that he would duel this ugly mug of a monster. The monster was a fiend called Scarr, Scout of Dark World. Jaden was not going to let this kid get sent to the stars. He felt that this monster was picking on the wrong kid. Jaden and Scarr started their duel disks and said "duel."

Scarr draws "Archfiend Soldier" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1900/1500) in Attack Position. He then Sets a card. Jaden draws "Polymerization" and subsequently activates it to fuse "Elemental Hero Sparkman" with "Elemental Hero Clayman" in order to Fusion Summon "Elemental Hero Thunder Giant" (2400/1500) in Attack Position. Jaden then activates the effect of "Elemental Hero Thunder Giant" to discard "Elemental Hero Necroshade" and destroy "Archfiend Soldier". "Thunder Giant" then attacks directly (Scarr 4000 → 1600).

Scarr draws "Fusion Devourer" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1400/1200) in Attack Position. "Fusion Devourer" then attacks "Elemental Hero Thunder Giant". Due to the effect of "Fusion Devourer", the ATK of "Thunder Giant" becomes 0 during the Damage Step only ("Elemental Hero Thunder Giant": 2400 → 0/1600). "Fusion Devourer" then destroys "Thunder Giant" (Jaden 4000 → 2600).

Scarr activates his face-down "Fake Friendship Treaty". Now Jaden is forbidden from summoning any monsters that are Level 4 or below. If one of Scarr's monsters attack or Jaden takes damage from a card effect controlled by Scarr, "Fake Friendship Treaty" will be destroyed. Scarr then activates "Hurricane Nest". Now if Jaden Special Summons a monster while "Hurricane Nest" is face-up, Scarr can send one "Special Hurricane" from his hand or Deck to the Graveyard to destroy the Special Summoned monster.

Jaden draws "Elemental Hero Neos". He then uses the effect of "Elemental Hero Necroshade" to Normal Summons "Elemental Hero Neos" (2500/2000) in Attack Position without Tributing. Jaden then activates "Neos Force" equipping it to "Neos" and increasing its ATK by 800 ("Elemental Hero Neos": 2500 → 3300/2000). "Neos" attacks and destroys "Fusion Devourer" (Scarr 1600 → 0).

Scarr then is sent to the stars and the gang is wondering what happened to him. Then a knight or a duel spirit knight appeared and took the boy and the gang to a save place to keep everyone safe from what the knight said the Fiends. Then a man that was the boys father appeared and had escaped from the prison and told them that he had seen someone that looked like Jesse. At that point Jaden was ready to leave but the gang wanted him to slow down and think about what he was doing.

Jaden rested but then disappeared out of nowhere and the gang went to the camp but they were captured by the fiends. Jaden enter the prison and saw nobody was there and he was worried that the fiends had gotten to him first. Then he heard a noise from behind and saw that his friends had been captured and that he was to duel the leader of this group of fiends Zure. Jaden was angry but he had no choice but to accepts the challenge and duel.

Zure draws "Gene-Warped Warwolf" and subsequently Normal Summons it (2000/100) in Attack Position. Jaden draws "Fake Hero" and subsequently activates it to Special Summon "Elemental Hero Neos" (2500/2000) in Attack Position, however "Neos" won't be allowed to attack this turn and if it's still on the field during the End Phase, it will return to Jaden's hand. Jaden then Normal Summons "Neo-Spacian Glow Moss" in Attack Position. He then Contact Fuses "Neos" with "Glow Moss" in order to Special Summon "Elemental Hero Glow Neos" (2500/2000) in Attack Position.

Jaden then activates "Neo Space". Now "Elemental Hero Neos" and all Fusion Monsters that list "Elemental Hero Neos" as a Fusion Material Monster will gain 500 ATK ("Elemental Hero Glow Neos": 2500 → 3000/2000) and all Fusion Monsters that list "Elemental Hero Neos" as a Fusion Material Monster do not have to return to Jaden's Fusion Deck during the End Phase due to their own effects. "Glow Neos" attacks and destroys "Gene-Warped Warwolf" (Zure 4000 → 3000).

Zure draws "Power Zone" and subsequently activates it, destroying "Neo Space" ("Elemental Hero Glow Neos": 3000 → 2500/2000). Now when a monster is destroyed by battle, the controller of that monster will take damage equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK. Zure then Normal Summons "Power Annihilator" (1800/100) in Attack Position.

"Power Annihilator" then attacks "Elemental Hero Glow Neos". Due to the first effect of "Power Annihilator", it gains 1000 ATK due to "Glow Neos" having more ATK than it ("Power Annihilator": 1800 → 2800/100). "Power Annihilator" then destroys "Glow Neos" (Jaden 4000 → 3700). The effect of "Power Zone" then activates (Jaden 3700 → 1200). At the end of the Damage Step, the effect of "Power Annihilator" expires ("Power Annihilator": 2800 → 1800/100).

Zure then activates "Power Spirit" by paying 1000 Life Points (Zure 3000 → 2000) and selecting "Power Annihilator" for the effect of "Power Spirit". Now "Power Annihilator" can't be destroyed in battle unless it battles a monster that has at least 1000 more ATK than it. Zure then Sets a card.

Jaden draws "Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab". Jaden's hand contains "Common Soul" and "Winged Kuriboh". Jaden then Normal Summons "Winged Kuriboh" (300/200) in Defense Position.

Zure draws "Ring of Fiendish Power" and subsequently activates it. Now Jaden can only attack the Fiend-type monster on Zure's side of the field with the highest ATK. Also if a Fiend-type monster destroys a monster Jaden controls by battle, Jaden will take damage equal to the destroyed monster's DEF.

"Power Annihilator" attacks "Winged Kuriboh". Due to the second effect of "Power Annihilator", it loses 1000 ATK due to "Winged Kuriboh" having less ATK than it ("Power Annihilator": 1800 → 800/100). "Power Annihilator" then destroys "Winged Kuriboh". The effect of "Power Zone" activates (Jaden 1200 → 900). The effect of "Ring of Fiendish Power" then activates (Jaden 900 → 700). At the end of the Damage Step, the effect of "Power Annihilator" expires ("Power Annihilator": 800 → 1800/100).

Zure then activates his face-down "Explosion Fuse" to Special Summon "Power Bombard" (1000/0) in Attack Position and equip the latter monster with "Explosion Fuse". Zure explains that he can activate the final effect of "Explosion Fuse" to destroy "Power Bombard" and inflict 1000 damage to Jaden. He also states that if the ATK of "Power Annihilator" changes while "Power Bombard" is face-up, "Power Bombard" will be destroyed and Jaden will take 1800 damage.

At this point, Freed the Brave Wanderer sacrifices himself, so that he can place himself into Jaden's Deck. Jaden draws "Freed the Brave Wanderer" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1700/1200) in Attack Position. Jaden then activates "Common Soul" to target "Freed the Brave Wanderer" and Special Summon "Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab" (500/400) in Attack Position. Due to the effect of "Flare Scarab", it gains 400 ATK for each Spell and Trap Card on Zure's side of the field. Zure has four ("Flare Scarab": 500 → 2100/400). Due to the effect of "Common Soul", "Freed the Brave Wanderer" gains ATK equal to the ATK of "Flare Scarab" ("Freed the Brave Wanderer": 1700 → 3800/1200).

Zure assumes that Jaden will use "Freed the Brave Wanderer" to attack "Power Annihilator" right now, but Jaden activates the effect of "Freed the Brave Wanderer" to remove from play "Winged Kuriboh" and "Elemental Hero Glow Neos" from his Graveyard and destroy "Power Annihilator" (as the latter's ATK was higher than the original ATK of "Freed the Brave Wanderer"). "Freed" attacks and destroys "Power Bombard" (Zure 2000 → 0).

Zure is sent to the stars and leaves five what look like ping pong balls and they then disappear for they began to manifest inside each of the gang Alexis, Atticus, Chazz, Hassleberry, and Syrus. The fiends left seeing the power that Jaden showed and they then left the prison on monsters and they all got split up and Jaden, Axel, and Jim got to a large stone castle and Jim and Axel would look for the others and they told Jaden not to go into the castle until that came back. Jaden didn't listen and went in when they left and found a large dueling field and then heard a noise. Many fiends were on  top of the ramparts then a voice came from out of the dark. The voice said "well if it isn't the boy who defeated two of my loyal subjects. I will duel you now. And to make things even more interesting I have four of your friends here to watch as you fall."

Jaden saw that Atticus, Chazz, Hassleberry and Syrus were in chains. Jaden was scared for what would happen to his friends if he were to lose. The person that spoke was Brron, Mad King of Dark World. He was ready to put an end to Jaden but that was not what Jaden was worried about. He was worried about his wife. They prepared to duel and Jaden didn't know it at the time but more than just his life was on the line but his friends as well. For Brron was going to use his friends to get what he wants and they started their duel disks and said "duel."

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