Ch 4 Viper VS Jaden

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Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Clayman in defense mode (2000def) and end my turn." Viper said "my turn, I draw. I summon Venom Snake in attack mode (1200atk). Next I will use my monsters effect to place a venom counter on Clayman at the cost of not attacking this turn. Now I play two cards face down and play the field spell Venom Swamp. Now all monster on the will lose 500 attack points for each venom counter on the monster. Now I will end my turn and now my field spell add another venom counter to Clayman and seeing that his attack is 0 now he is destroyed."

Alexis and the rest of the gang were worried about Jaden because he had dueled and lost a lot of energy because of it. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse Sparkman and Bladedge to summon Elemental Hero Plasma Vice in attack mode (2800atk). Now attack his monster." Viper said "I play my face down Snake Whistle to special summon Venom Serpent in attack mode (1000atk). Now I play my other face down Damage = Reptile to special summon Venom Boa in attack mode." Jaden ended his turn and Venom Swamp places a venom counter on Plasma Vice.

Viper said "my turn, I draw. I use Venom Serpents effect to place one venom counter on Plasma Vice. Now I use Venom Boa to place two venom counters on Plasma Vice. Now I sacrifice my two snakes to summon Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes in attack mode (0atk). Due to the second effect of Vennominon it gains 500atk points for each reptile-type monster in my graveyard and there are currently three so now my monster gains 1500 attack points. Now go and attack Plasma Vice. With that I will end my turn with a face down."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Bubbleman in attack mode (800atk). I get to draw two cards because Bubbleman is the only card on the field. Now I play Bubble Rod and equip it to Bubbleman and it increases his attack my 800. Now I play R - Righteous Justice to destroy Venom Swamp since I have an Elemental Hero on the field." Viper said "I play my face down Snake Deity's Command to negate R - Righteous Justice by discarding Venom Snake." Jaden ended his turn with a face down.

Viper said "my turn, I draw. Vennominon attack and destroy Bubbleman." Jaden said "the last effect of Bubble Rod activates allowing me to draw one card and now I play my face down A Hero Emerges. With this card you choose one card in my hand and if it is a monster I get to special summon it so choose." Viper made his choice and the card was Elemental Hero Neos. Jaden said "I summon Neos to the field in attack mode (2500atk)."Viper ended his turn. At the end phase a venom counter was placed on Neos decreasing his attack my 500.

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Neo-Spacian Aqua Dophin in attack mode (600atk). I now activates NEX to send my Dolphin to the grave to special summon Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin. Now I cantact fuse Neos with Marine Dolphin in order to summon Elemental Hero Marine Neos in attack mode (2800atk). Now I use my monsters effect to destroy a card in your hand. Great it was another reptile so your monster grows stronger but now I attack." Viper said "due to the third effect of my King O remove one Venom Snake from play and now he comes right back but with less attack points of course." Jaden ends his turn but not before another venom counter is added to his Neos.

Viper said "my turn, I draw. I play Venom Shot by sending Venom Serpent to the grave from my deck your monster gets two venom counters on it. Now I will attack and destroy your Marine Neos. With that I will end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Card Trooper in attack mode and now I send the top three cards of my deck to the grave to power up my monster. Now I will end my turn and my monster attack goes back down to 400 and is destroyed letting me draw one card. With that I will end my turn."

Viper said "my turn, I draw. I now will end this now go attack Jaden directly." Jaden said I use Necro Gardna effect by removing him from play I can negate your attack." Viper ends with a face down. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Miracle Fusion to remove from play and to fuse Wildheart and Bladedge to form Elemental Hero Wildedge in attack mode (2600atk). Now I attack and destroy your king snake." Viper said "I revile my trap Rise of the Sacred Deity to special summon Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes in attack mode (0atk). Now my monster gains 500 attack points for each reptile in my graveyard." Jaden ended his turn with Wildedge getting a venom counter on himself.

Viper said "my turn, I draw. I will have my Deity destroy your Wildedge. Now I activate my monsters third effect which will give me an automatic win after three turns. I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Fusion Recovery to bring back Polymerization and Sparkman. Now I use that to fuse Sparkman and Necroshade to form Darkbright in attack mode (2000atk). I now play Necro Shot and equip it to Darkbright. Now I activate the effect of Necro Shot three times to remove three monsters from play two Venom Serpents and a Venom Snake. Now Darkbright attack." Viper then activates the second effect of "Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes" to remove from play Venom Snake from his Graveyard and revive Vennominaga  in Attack Position. Jaden then activates the second effect of Darkbright to switch it to Defense Position. On Jaden's End Phase, "Venom Swamp" places a Venom Counter on Darkbright,

Viper said "my turn, I draw. I play Snake Rain by discarding a card I can send 4 reptile monster to the grave and now I attack your monster with that I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Fifth Hope to return Clayman, Avian, Wildedge, Bubbleman, and Sparkman from my grave and to my deck and shuffle my deck and draw three cards. Now I play Cocoon Party to special summon Chrysalis monsters from my deck for each Neo-Spacian in the grave so I summon Chrysalis Mole and Chrysalis Larva both in attack mode. Now I play contact to send my monsters to the grave to summon Neo-Spacians Grand Mole and Flare Scarab. Now I use Necroshades effect to summon Neos without a sacrifice. Now I contact fuse all three of my monster s to summon Elemental Hero Magma Neos in attack mode (3000atk). Now my monster gains 400 attack points for each card on the field and I count four now end this duel."

The duel was over and then white light began to circle around the island and they were all transported to another dimension. With that in mind they looked around to see what had done this or maybe Viper but he was no longer around. Jaden and the rest of the gang got out of Vipers lab and went to the main building to see if anything had happened. But now a new evil had taken form and its plot for revenge was coming into place.

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