Ch 7 Search For Jesse

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Jaden was in his room angry at himself for what had happened because he believed that he was the reason that Jesse gave himself up for everyone. Jaden was angry and while this was happening the gang was at the Slifer dorm in the cafeteria talking about what had just transpired. Axel said "I have a feeling that something was wrong. When I watched the duel the spirit that was possessing Marcel said that Jaden was her intended target from the start. Chazz then said "that is complete bs why would a spirit want Jaden?" Axel said "I don't know but I have a feeling that, that spirit is not going away any time soon.

Alexis then wondered. Atticus saw this and asked if she knew something. Alexis said "when we got back everyone was in a great mood everyone that is expect Jaden. I found him by himself saying that it was his fault. I asked why it was his fault when he was the one that saved everyone. He said that he knew the spirit that possessed Marcel. He said that the spirits name was Yubel and after that he wouldn't say another word to me." At that moment Principal Sheppard walked in.

Everyone was shocked to see Sheppard. Sheppard said "well this sounds good but I think I can help everyone with why this spirit is here. You see Kabia didn't just hire Jaden for his dueling I mean he was the best but Jaden had a secret that he had a duel spirit that would always be with him." Alexis said "let me guess a spirit named Yubel." Sheppard nodded and said "this spirit was very powerful that when Jaden dueled and was in a panicked  state or was feeling scared that Yubel would attack the opponent and put then into a state of a coma. They never could find the reason and then Jaden had less friends because of it. So when Kabia corp. was having that drawing competition that Jaden won he convinced Kabia to send Yubel up as well so that maybe she would some day be useable. But the cosmos was not to kind to Yubel and that now she was a force that should not be taken lightly."

Sheppard was finished and they all were shocked that Jaden had done something like that but they then realized he was just looking out for others. Then Bastion walked in and he told then that a portal was opening in an hour. Everyone was in a state of panic but Bastion reassured them that the portal was smaller than the last one. They then realized that if Jaden hears about this that he would go to the portal and try to save Jesse.

They ran to Alexis and Jaden's house and didn't find him in his room. They then thought that maybe he was tipped off my his other spirit that there was another portal opening up. They then left and ran to the location of the portal and saw that Jaden was prepared to leave them.

Jaden said "why are you guys here?" Axel said "we are here to help you get Jesse back he is our friend too." Jaden said "I want to go alone I have gotten Jesse into this mess so it is my duty to get him back. I don't want to endanger anymore of my friends again. Alexis walked up to Jaden. Jaden thought she was going to hug him or kiss him. Alexis then slapped him square in face. Jaden said "what was that for." Alexis said "Jaden we are going with you. Why can't you understand that we all want to help you but you don't want our help. We are your friends Jaden. All for one and one for all."

Jaden then realized that all they wanted was to help him get his friend back. Jaden then apologized to his friend and they then went into the portal with their duel disks and deck ready to defend themselves if they needed. They landed in another area that they had no idea that they had seen before. Jaden then went off and looked for his friend and everyone lost track of him.

Jaden then found him self in a cavern and was wondering if Jesse was in here when something was coming. Jaden hid and saw two fiends walking but Jaden couldn't hear what they were saying. Then Axel appeared and told Jaden to stay low. Then out of nowhere Tania appeared and was shocked that he and Axel were here. She then told them that someone was using lesser duel spirits to do someone's bidding. They then ran to turn off the power so the lesser duel spirits could fight back. They then ran into a duel spirit named Sky Scout and he challenged Jaden to a duel and while that was going on Axel worked around him to turn the power off.

Sky Scout draws "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity". He then activates "Summon Storm" to pay 800 Life Points (Sky Scout 4000 → 3200) and Special Summon "Whirlwind Prodigy" (1500/1600) in Attack Position. Sky Scout then Tributes "Whirlwind Prodigy" in order to Tribute Summon "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" (2700/1000) in Attack Position (as "Whirlwind Prodigy" counts as two Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a WIND monster). Sky Scout then sets a card and activates "Level Tax". Now as long as "Level Tax" is face-up, neither player can summon a Level 5 or above monster without taking damage equal to the ATK of the summoned monster. On Sky Scout's End Phase, the effect of "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" activates, inflicting 1000 damage to both players, but Sky Scout takes no damage as he has at least two cards in his Spell & Trap Card Zone (Jaden 4000 → 3000).

Jaden draws "Elemental Hero Bubbleman". Jaden's hand contains "Polymerization", "Elemental Hero Clayman", "Elemental Hero Necroshade", "Elemental Hero Neos", and "Elemental Hero Burstinatrix". Jaden then Normal Summons "Elemental Hero Bubbleman" (800/1200) in Defense Position. Since "Bubbleman" was summoned while Jaden had no other cards on his side of the field, its effect activates, allowing Jaden to draw two cards ("Winged Kuriboh" and "Fake Hero").[Notes 1] Jaden then Sets two cards ("Polymerization" and "Fake Hero"). On Jaden's End Phase, the effect of "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" activates, but neither player takes any damage.

Sky Scout draws "Wing Requital". He then Normal Summons "Tornado Bird" (1100/1000) in Attack Position. Sky Scout then activates "Wing Requital" to pay 600 Life Points (Sky Scout 3200 → 2600) and draw one card for each Winged-Beast type monster on his side of the field, however the drawn cards can't be used this turn. Since Sky Scout has two Winged-Beast type monsters on his side of the field, he draws two cards.

"Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" then attacks and destroys Attacks "Elemental Hero Bubbleman". "Tornado Bird" then attacks directly (Jaden 3000 → 1900). Sky Scout then Sets two cards. On Sky Scout's End Phase, the effect of "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" activates, but neither player takes any damage.

Jaden draws "Graceful Charity" and subsequently activates it to draw three cards and discard two cards ("Elemental Hero Burstinatrix" and "Elemental Hero Necroshade"). Jaden then Normal Summons "Neo-Spacian Grand Mole" (900/300) in Attack Position. "Grand Mole" attacks "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" with Jaden intending to activate the effect of "Grand Mole" and return to "Simorgh" to Sky Scout's hand, however Sky Scout activates his face-down "Glory Level Talisman" and equips the latter to "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity". Due to the second effect of "Glory Level Talisman", "Grand Mole" is destroyed as its Level was lower than the Level of "Simorgh".

Sky Scout then activates his face-down "Icarus Attack" to Tribute "Tornado Bird" and destroy two of Jaden's Set cards ("Polymerization" and "Fake Hero"). Sky Scout then activates his face-down "Explosion Wing" to inflict 500 damage to Jaden for each of his cards that were destroyed this turn by a card effect. Three cards were destroyed by an effect (Jaden 1900 → 400). Jaden then Sets two cards. On Jaden's End Phase, the effect of "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" activates, but neither player takes any damage.

Sky Scout draws. "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" then attacks directly, but Jaden activates his face-down "A Hero Emerges" to make Sky Scout select one card in his hand. If the selected card is a monster, Jaden can Special Summon that monster. Sky Scout selects a card and Jaden reveals that card to be "Winged Kuriboh". Because of that, Jaden Special Summons "Winged Kuriboh" (300/200) in Attack Position.

Jaden then activates his face-down "Transcendent Wings" to discard "Elemental Hero Neos" and "Elemental Hero Clayman" and send "Winged Kuriboh" to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon "Winged Kuriboh LV10" (300/200) in Attack Position. The effect of "Level Tax" activates (Jaden 400 → 100). Jaden then Tributes "Winged Kuriboh LV10" in order to destroy "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity" and inflict its ATK as damage to Sky Scout (Sky Scout 2600 → 0).

Then Sky Scout falls to the ground and Jaden runs over to him and he says to Jaden "Jaden you should rule this world what you need to do is defeat the Supreme King. Your power can defeat him and bring peace to this land." Then he glowed and then vanished into thousands of particles. Then the power went out and the lesser duel monsters were able to defeat the captors. The gang found them and then they were ready to get out of this world. Tania then led them to another door to go to another world and they then pasted trough it and Bastion stayed behind for he wanted to help Tania. They then found themselves in another world and were in a village that looked like it had been attacked but an army. The gang rested and waited till the time was right to move on.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Jaden and his love Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now