chapter 4

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(Mabel's POV)
I blinked. My vision was fuzzy. I blinked again. Still, all I could see was blurs. I lifted up my arms to rub my eyes, trying to get myself to wake up. Memories from my dream came back to me. I remembered Bill coming to the mystery shack and offering me a deal, and then making me come with him through a portal. I laughed to my self. That was one of my weirdest dreams yet! I can't wait to tell Dipper about it, if he's not too busy.

I removed my hands from my eyes and blinked again, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the light. I could see more colours now, and the outline of some of the things in my room became clearer. Only, from what I could tell, this didn't look like my room. I blinked a few more times then sat up, trying to work out where I was.

The walls were bright pink with little shooting stars on it and the floor was covered in a fluffy white carpet. I was sitting on a double bed with light blue duvet covers and stuffed animals perched on the bottom end of the bed. There wasn't really any furniture in the room, other than a small dresser, a pastel purple mini sofa and a karaoke machine.

Nope, definitely not my room.

Then I remembered. Bill coming to me in the mystery shack, offering me a deal and forcing me through that portal, wasn't a dream. Oh crap oh crap oh crap. I shot out of bed and ran to the white door and twisted the knob rapidly. What if it's locked? I tried again and again until it finally opened. I let out a sigh of relief and swung the door open, only to be greeted by the devil himself.

(Bill's POV)
"Going somewhere?" I asked raising my eyebrow. Well I mean I would be, if I had an eyebrow. God fricking damn it. Maybe I should switch to my human form, at least then she can actually see what I'm doing.

"I- I was just- I woke up and..." She began trailing off, not really knowing what to say. I could tell she was still out of breath, the way her breathing was still quick and I could practically hear her heart pumping through her chest. Or maybe she's just scared of me. I liked that thought more.

"Like your room?" I asked her. Honestly, I don't know how to decorate rooms. Especially girls rooms! Like I heard girls are seriously picky and are all about colour coordination and all that crap, but I can't let my prisoner decorate her own room can I? Prisoner. She was my prisoner. So why wasn't I treating her like one? I decorated her room. Like I actually made it look nice, in my opinion, and hoped she would like it! Why did I do that? For gods sake, the reason I came in here was to ask what she wanted for breakfast since I heard humans need to be fed. Like what the hell?

Pull yourself together Bill. I mentally slapped myself, repeating the word 'prisoner' in my head, over and over.

"Well, I mean, not the kind of thing I would have chosen but- I guess?" Why was she even talking to me? Most of my prisoners, at this point would be screaming to escape. Although I was glad she wasn't. Makes my life easier.

"Well that's offensive.I personally think I did a great job." I replied cockily. And you know what funniest thing was? She laughed. Like she actually laughed. What? I raised my eyebrow at her, except I don't have one so god knows what it looked like from her point of view.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "What?" "Why do you keep widening your eye?" Oh. So that's what it looks like to her when I raise my eyebrow. "Want to see something shooting star?" I asked, changing the topic. She slowly nodded her head, not looking too sure about her answer.

(Mabel's POV)
I nodded my head. Why? I have no idea. He clicked his fingers and suddenly his appearance completely changed. He was no longer a creepy demonic looking triangle, but a teenage boy! He still looked like Bill though, kind of. His blonde hair was messy and over it, floated a little black top hat. He had one, bright blue eye and had the other one covered with a black, triangular eye patch. He wore a white, long sleeved shirt which had a yellow waist coat over it, with a black bow tie resting on his collar and black skinny jeans. And I have to say, he wasn't too bad looking.


My draw dropped as I admired his looks, forgetting for a minute I was looking at Bill. But after what seemed like hours, but was probably only seconds, he broke the silence, a smirk plastered on his surprisingly good looking face.

"Like what you see shooting star?" He asked, raising an eye brow seductively.

I know not much is going on yet but I promise the story will get better, and mabill will get cuter, just bear with me here 😂💕
Also just so you guys know, I'm going away for a bit and I don't know if I will have wifi, but if I do I will try my best to update!🐛

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