chapter 7

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(Dipper's POV)

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Ugh" I groaned. My arm reached out from underneath my duvet and fumbled around on my desk, looking for my alarm clock. Eventually, after a few seconds of struggle, I caught hold of it and turned it off. I let out a sigh of relief, glad to be rid of the sound.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up, trying to remember why I set an alarm in the first place. It was summer after all. Then I remembered. For Mabel. Today was the day I would confront Gideon. The day Mabel would come home.

I rolled out of bed and shuffled over to my wardrobe, yawning. I hated waking up early, especially during the holidays, but this was for Mabel and I knew it would all be worth it when I saw her again. I pulled out my usual outfit and shoved my pine tree hat on. I felt my tummy rumble and could smell stancakes cooking downstairs but I chose to ignore it since I had decided to skip breakfast. I wanted to confront Gideon as soon as possible.

I crept down the stairs, not wanting Grunkle Stan to hear me since I couldn't tell him where I was going, and snuck out of the front door. I shut my eyes and let out a sigh of relief as I made it to the porch but was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey dipper, where are you off to?" Crap. I slowly opened my eyes, revealing a grinning Wendy. "Heeey Wendy," I said casually, trying to act natural and leaning against the wall, "what are you doing here?" My voice cracked and I cringed. "I was looking for you. I'm bored and need someone to hang out with. You up for a movie marathon?" She pulled a handful of DVD's from her bag and waved them in my face, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "I bought horror."

"Oh uh, that sounds great Wendy. It's just that I uh- I kinda have something planned for today already." I replied while attempting to subtly slide away from her. However, despite my extreme ninja skills, her eyes stayed fixed on me. I let out a nervous laugh and began walking backwards, cringing at my awkwardness.

"So where are you going then?" She jogged forward and caught up with me. I internally groaned. Can't she take a hint? "A place." I replied, speeding up. "No shit Sherlock." I carried on walking, looking down at the ground and avoiding her eye contact. There was a pause before she continued. "Can I come?" I remained silent, watching as she slid her hands into her pockets. I knew having Wendy with me could be an advantage, but I was worried she would try and stop me. I had to find Mabel.

"Your going to look for Mabel, aren't you?" I stopped in my tracks. Wendy stopped too and wandered back towards me. "And that's why you won't tell me. Because you're worried I'll stop you." My eyes remained fixed on the ground. "Will you try and stop me?" I mumbled. "What? No! I want to find Mabel just as much as you do. I'm coming with you!" My eyes met hers and lit up instantly, a smile forming on my face. "You will?" I asked, obvious excitement laced in my voice. She gave me a warm smile. "I don't know why you thought I wouldn't."

(Mabel's POV)

Today is the day! I jumped out of bed and ran over to my wardrobe grinning. I searched through the many clothes Bill had provided me with until I found the dress. You would think a bright red dress would be easy to find, but due to the amount of coloured clothing I owned, it was harder than I expected.

I then sat at my dressing table and began applying make up. Bill had, for some reason, given me all the makeup I had asked for, so I was certain I could make myself look good enough. Since I decided I wouldn't wear much, I just put on a layer of mascara, some blush and lipstick. It's not that I thought I was some kind of natural beauty, but I wasn't great at makeup either.

After I finished my face, I quickly undressed, changing my normal bra to a strapless one since I didn't want the straps to be visible. This could be the only time I would ever leave this room again so, naturally, I wanted to look my best. I slipped into my dress and began attempting to do up my zip at the back, which obviously failed.

Just at that moment, Bill swung my door open and entered my room, not noticing my struggling. He was wearing a black tuxedo and a bow tie and I had to admit, he looked amazing. "Are you ready to go?" He asked, eyeing me up and down. I internally groaned. Are guys really that oblivious to what is going on right in front of them? Half of my bare back was showing and he didn't even realise!

I wasn't really sure what to say at that point so I awkwardly coughed, trying to hint out my situation, hoping he would use his magic to zip me up. I watched as he scanned my body, trying to catch my hint before he realised what I was asking. However, to my surprise, instead of clicking his fingers as he usually would, he walked towards me and began zipping it up himself.

I stood up straight, looking into the mirror in front of me as he brushed my hair to my front and slowly zipped me up from behind. His hand brushed against my bare back making me shiver and giving me goosebumps all over my body. I prayed that he hadn't noticed the effect he had on me. When he was done, he looked up into the mirror and we made eye contact.

Cliche Cliche Cliche.

After a few seconds of us staring, I looked down at the ground in order to end the moment we shared. Honestly, I don't know how those cliche couples in the films can hold eye contact for so long without it getting awkward. They could honestly stare into each others eyes for hours and not get bored. I, on the other hand, couldn't stand it. Perhaps if you had asked me back when I was 12 years old and looking for a summer romance, I would've called it romantic, but I would just call it cheesy now. I guess that's what happens when you grow up. At least that's what happened to me.

Bill cleared his throat. "You going to take any longer being a typical teenage girl or can we go now?" He asked, smirking. I could tell he was trying to wind me up, as usual. "I didn't even take that long to get ready you drama queen!" I protested. He walked towards me and positioned his head so his lips were a few centimetres away from my ear. "Whatever you say princess." He whispered.


Hey there guys!!! Okay so I'm just going to say it...I'm the worst when it comes to updating. I told you guys like six weeks ago I would be posting more throughout the summer. Summer is over now and I didn't post once 😂 Also I'm sorry this chapter is shorter than usual (and worse than usual), next chapter will be better and longer. Also don't worry, I promise they will actually go to the dance next chapter, although Bill has his meeting first xD

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