chapter 8

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(Mabel's POV)
I always wondered how demons travel around the dreamscape. Weird, I know, but since I had been kidnapped, there were a lot of questions on my mind as to how the dreamscape actually worked. Did they travel by car, or some kind of public demon transport? Did they just imagine where they wanted to be and suddenly they were there? All my questions were answered when I finally left the prison, also known as Bill's house.

I stepped out of the front door to see an endless black landscape, with buildings, doors and lights floating around the area. Bill and I were both lifted off of our feet and began hovering above the doormat. I yelped in surprise, since floating was new to me and all, making Bill laugh. "It will take a while to get used to." He said reassuringly, still laughing to himself. Thanks for laughing at me. It wasn't even that funny.

"So wait, this is the dreamscape?" I asked, still confused. "No it's my bathroom." He replied sarcastically. "Well there's no need to be rude." I shot back at him defensively. He smirked, probably content with the reaction I gave him. I sighed, "How are we getting to the dance anyway?" "First of all, it's a meeting, the dance is simply there for entertainment." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, you see those floating doors?" he said, pointing towards a few as an example. I nodded. "Each one of them lead to different places. You simply imagine the door you need, and it will come to you." Then, as if on que, a door appeared in front of us, making me jump and giving Bill another reason to laugh at me. He opened the door and gestured towards it. "Ladies first." I didn't move. Instead, I stood there in awe and attempted to process everything. It was amazing! Through the door I could see people dressed in fancy clothes dancing and enjoying the party. Of course, I knew that they weren't actually people, they were all demons in their human forms, but honestly, this was not how I imagined the dreamscape to be like, quite the opposite actually!

Bill's laughter bought me back into reality. I turned to see him making fun of me and mimicking my facial expression. I glared at him and he pouted back at me. Eventually, after he finally calmed down, since apparently my thinking face is hilarious, he slung his arm around my shoulder and led me through the door.

(Dipper's POV)

After walking for roughly half an hour, we finally made it to Gideon's house only to be shocked by what we saw. In the past, Gideon's house was pretty much perfect. It had the most beautiful garden with perfectly trimmed grass and flowers growing, and the area was surrounded by posters and banners of himself, promoting the 'tent of telepathy' and any other businesses his family had running. However, the house we were looking at was completely different. All of the posters of Gideon had been torn down or were so ripped up you could hardly tell what was on them. The grass in the once beautiful garden, had now overgrown, the flowers had all died and weeds had taken over the area.

"Uhh Dipper, are we at the right house?", she asked, "This place looks pretty deserted to me." I frowned and looked at the old building before me. Although it looked different from the way it used to, I could probably recognise it with my eyes shut. "I'm certain", I replied. She paused for a moment before replying, "Maybe he moved out?". I shook my head and turned to her. "I don't think so." Wendy nodded before opening the gate and wandering down the path. I followed her to the front door and rung the doorbell. No reply.

"Maybe he's ignoring us." I said, reaching for the doorbell to try again. "Or maybe", she turned to look at me, "he doesn't live here anymore!" she said, gasping sarcastically. I glared at her before opening the letter box and yelling "Give it up Gideon I know you're in there!" Wendy laughed and shook her head. "Admit it Dipper, I'm right and you're wrong." She smirked at me, giving me butterflies in my stomach. Despite her rejecting me back when I first came to gravity falls, I still had feelings for her and doubted they would ever go away. In fact, my feelings for her had only grown since. Honestly, I wasn't sure if it was just a crush anymore.

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