chapter 10

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(Dipper's POV)
I sighed, tapping my pen on the table repetitively and staring at my investigation board, lost in thought. Usually I kept all my theories related to the mysteries of gravity falls on it, but since Mabel went missing, I tore them all down and replaced them with her. I had to find her. There was no way I was going home without her.

I frowned and started blankly at the board, trying to make a breakthrough in her missing person case. I reached for my pen and crossed out the picture of Gideon on the board, since he was no longer a suspect. Or at least, not a prime suspect. But who else could it be?

I had no other suspects since I was originally convinced it was Gideon, I had no doubt in my mind. But since we looked through his house, I was having second thoughts. There was no trace of Mabel being near the house, and he gave us a confirmed alibi, making the likeliness of him being her kidnapper low. Of course, there was still the possibility that Bill had her, but kidnapping people against their will was never really his style. He liked making deals. But Mabel would never make a deal with him, would she?

I yelled in frustration and threw my pen at the board, knocking down a few photos and articles. The police didn't have any leads either, which was pretty unimpressive considering they were 'the best force in Gravity Falls', making me worry about the kind of people this town employed. Especially since they were described as 'professionals'.

I lifted myself from the creaky chair I had slumped on and walked over to the window, leaning against it and staring out into the woods. It was getting dark, and I watched as the nocturnal creatures slowly came out from hiding, whilst the day time animals disappeared into the trees, looking for shelter. Rain pattered against the window and hit the ground at an alarming rate, surprising me since just over five minutes beforehand, there was no rain at all. I let out of a sigh.


Where are you?

(Mabel's POV)

"Curse you Bill." I muttered under my breath, whilst preparing yet another cup of coffee. It was his third cup of the day. I leaned against the counter, waiting for the coffee machine to finish pouring and sighed. Since we had gotten back from the dance, Bill had been giving me jobs to do non stop. I knew I was his slave, and the entire reason he made a deal with me in the first place was so I could do all his chores for him, but he could at least slow down. He was giving me absolutely no time to get anything done! The few seconds I waited for the coffee to brew were the most rest I had gotten since we arrived home, which must've been at least over 24 hours ago. All I wanted to do was sleep.

As soon as the coffee was done, I placed it on a tray and bought it into the lounge, where he lay on the sofa watching tv, laughing hysterically at whatever was going on in his programme. I walked over to the table in front of him and placed down the cup violently, causing the drink to almost spill. Bill clicked his fingers, pausing the tv and turned to me.

"What's with the attitude?" He asked, his signature smirk making its way onto his face. I rolled my eyes and span around to walk away, but I didn't make it over two steps before he stood up and caught hold of my wrist, spinning me round to face him. I attempted to wiggle out of his grip, but he just held on tighter. "Get off." I demanded.

"Answer my question and I'll let you go." He replied. I stopped struggling and we stood there in silence for a few moments. I stared at the ground. "Well?" He asked impatiently. Why does he even care? "Nothing." I mumbled. I looked up in time to see him roll his eyes.

"Spit it out shooting star."

Words cannot describe the urge I had to actually spit on him, just to see his reaction. I'm hilarious, I know.

"It's just that at the dance, you were actually nice to me, but since we've got back you've been-" I trailed off the last sentence, knowing that saying it would be a mistake. Offending him could get me punished pretty badly. Then again, did I care? "Been what?" He asked. Our eyes met and I glared coldly at him.

"A fucking asshole."

I don't know how I was expecting him to reply, Bill was unpredictable, but I definitely wasn't a expecting him to look hurt. He let go of my wrist so violently I was sent flying backwards, but managed to regain my balance before falling over. I immediately held my arm and cradled it, my eyes never leaving Bill's face. He looked upset. However, that hurt was almost immediately replaced with anger.

"Why are you still standing there? Don't you have things to do?" He growled. "There's no need to be bitter. All I did was answer your question". He didn't reply, so I glared at him one final time before leaving the room. Dickhead. I refused to live like this any longer. It may have only been a few days, but no one tells Mabel Pines how to live her life.

So I made a decision.

I'm was going to run away.

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Author's note:

Hey guys. Guess who updated in less that a month? THIS GAL. *points to self*

Anyway this chapter is BORING AND CRAPPY AF LMAO IM SO SORRY. Also I'm sorry it's so short. It's just a filler, but I needed it for the storyline so it was necessary unfortunately. Once again, sorry for the terrible update. I promise I'll make next chapter wayyyyyyy better to make up for it.

In other news, I ALMOST HAVE 100 FOLLOWERS AND I HAVE 5K READS AND OVER 200 VOTES HOLY CRAP U GUYS ARE AMAZING. I honestly didn't think anyone at all was going to read or enjoy this book so I'm sO happy. I didn't even think I would get 100 views! Tysm !!!!!

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