chapter 11

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(Mabel's POV)

Running away. There's something I never thought I would have the bravery to do. But there I was, wondering around Bill's house, or whatever you would call it, searching for a way out. Obviously, I couldn't use the front door as it led out to, well, a void. Instead I searched for an escape inside the house.

I figured since I got there through a portal, there must be one in the house. Of course there was the possibility that it was a portal he created on the spot, and there wasn't one in the house, but I had hope, because if there wasn't one, I was screwed.

Luckily, due to the fact that I was constantly doing housework, I had access to almost every room in the house. The problem was, the corridors were never-ending, and there were so many doors I could never find where anything was. I got lost constantly, which irritated Bill a lot. 

"Mabel. The floors are dirty." His voice echoed through the house, snapping me out of my thoughts. I groaned. "What do you want me to do about it? I don't have anything to clean them with." I yelled back, rolling my eyes. I already knew there was no getting out of it though.

Bill appeared in front of me holding a mop. I jumped back in shock. "Don't do that!" I yelped, catching my breath. He handed me it and gestured to the floors. "They aren't going to clean themselves you know." I snatched it from him and glared.

"There's literally no good reason why you need a slave, you realise that right?" I asked. He shrugged innocently, and wandered off down the corridor. Jerk.

I began mopping down the hall, making sure to do the sloppiest job I could to make a point, when I came across a room with a door different to the others. The rest of the doors in the house looked new and sparkly, while this door's paint was chipped and dull in colour.

I tried twisting the handle, but the door was clearly locked. I frowned, wondering were I could find its key. Of course, I could try breaking the door down, but Bill would surely know about it.

If I was a movie character, how would I do it?

Then it struck me. A bobby pin! Luckily, I had one in my hair that day, and pulled it out, placing it in the key hole. "Please work." I whispered under my breath, before wiggling it around in the hole. (I bet someone read that thinking it sounded wrong lmao)

Suddenly, the door made a promising clicking sound. I crossed my fingers and twisted the knob, and to my delight, it opened!

"Yes!" I whisper shouted, not being able to wipe the huge grin off my face. I checked Bill wasn't anywhere nearby, before slipping into the room and locking the door behind me.

Inside was dark, but my eyes soon adjusted so I could see well enough. Around me, there were bookshelves, stacked with ornaments, books, and boxes. I figured everything in this room was magic or demon related, and decided not to touch anything.

The room itself was extremely messy, with books and boxes lying all over the floor. I could barely find space to walk without stepping on anything.

Across the room, I could see a big round shaped device, which looked as if it could be a portal. I began making my way towards it, attempting to avoid stepping on anything which was carelessly left on the ground.

Eventually, I make it to the other side, after a few minutes of struggle. I traced my finger alone the edge of the device, wondering if it was what I was looking for.

Next to it, there was a lever, which I assumed turned it on. My hand curled around it and I hesitated. What if it didn't work? What if it lead somewhere completely different and I was lost forever? What if it makes a noise so loud that bill hears?

I shook my head and gripped the lever tighter. There was no way I was backing out now after making it so far. So I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and pushed it as hard as I was able to.

It was stiff, and took a couple of seconds to get moving, but once it did it made an extremely loud squeaking noise and the portal activated, colourful lights highlighting its structure. Machines began whirring and making loud noises which Bill could surely hear.

"What the hell is that?" I heard Bill yell furiously from upstairs. I had never heard him sound so angry before. "Mabel!" He boomed again. Then there was silence. He knew.

I prepared myself to jump through the portal, but hesitated again. This could lead me anywhere. Anything could happen. I wanted to jump but I couldn't move. It was like my feet were glued to the ground. I was afraid.

Outside, the door handle was rattling violently, and I could hear Bill banging on the door and yelling things I couldn't quite make out. Was he angry because I was trying to escape or did he know something I didn't about the portal?

The door swung open and I dint have time to think about it. I took one last look at Bill, who's face was bright red and glaring eyes fixed on mine, before turning and leaping through the portal, eyes tightly shut. "Mabel no-" was the last thing I heard before finding myself hurled onto green grass and weeds. I looked up and saw trees towering over my head, blocking out whatever sunlight was there. "I made it."

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Hey guys!!! I'm back !!!!! So I know this chapter is pretty short, but I decided instead of making chapters long so they take ages I'll make them shorter so it's easier to upload them quicker :D

Also I know this book is lacking feels and fluff and all the things that make it a mabill fic, but I promise you they are coming. Be patient! I'm making it slow for a reason, and soon every chapter will be packed with fluff for you guys :)

Anyway, I have nothing else to say I guess, except I hATE SCHOOL I HAVE TESTS ALL THE TIME AND PRACTISE EXAMS SOON AGSHAHFJ

anyways I hope you're all having a great day and are happy :) bye xxx

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