chapter 18

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please my message at the end :) thank you for all the support, it means the world

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"Now this is what I've been waiting for!" Bill exclaimed as we arrived at the carnival ground. All around us was a whirlwind of vibrant colours; screams of delight and thrill rung in my ears from every direction; the air smelled sweet, like cotton candy and popcorn. Everywhere I looked, I could see smiling faces filled with glee, their grins so contagious that I couldn't help but smile with them. Apparently Bill couldn't either.

"So," I said, "where do you want to go first?"

"I honestly have no idea." Bill looked awestruck, wide eyes frantically darting around as they tried to take everything in. I could see the bright colours of the carnival reflected in his beautiful blue orbs, dancing.

"Well, I have an idea," I announced. "Follow me." Without waiting for his agreement, or giving him the opportunity to not follow me, I took hold of his wrist and weaved through the large crowd which had gathered around us, following the bright blue sign which peaked above the sea of heads. Upon arriving, I dropped his hand, wishing I didn't miss the warmth, and pointed to the ride behind me. "Welcome to the log flume."

I watched as Bill examined the ride: a log boat you sit in as it carries you up the slope and takes you back down it, water splashing up at you as it did so. "It"

"Trust me, it is."

And it was. So fun, apparently, that Bill insisted we go on it again. And again. And again. It was on our fifth turn that I cracked.

"You know there are other rides, right?" I yelled at him from behind, my arms finally comfortable as they snaked around his waist, preparing for the drop. "Can we go on something else after this? Please!"

"Fiiiiine," Bill whined, before throwing his hands up in the air as we approached the tallest drop (since I taught him, he hadn't stopped doing it). "Here we go again!" he yelled as we plummeted towards the ground.

The moment the ride reached the end, I grabbed Bill's arm again, dragging him off the ride and tuning out his protests as he tried to wriggle out of my grip. "You're no fun," he muttered.

Rolling my eyes, I let go of his wrist. "No, you're no fun. Look at how many things we can do!" I raised my arms and gestured to the whole carnival. "Here, let me show you all the other things we can do."

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The next few hours were filled with multiple scary rides, spending endless amounts of money in the arcades (I won a unicorn toy), and trying food from different stalls. I decided my favourite ride was the haunted house, but Bill claimed the demons and ghosts were "inaccurate" and "spoiled the fun." He, on the other had, preferred rides which were high in the air with big scary drops, so I spent most of the day screaming at the top of my lungs, certain I was going to die every time we sped towards the ground.

"Have we been on everything?" Bill asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked around, trying to find a ride we hadn't yet been on, but realised we'd gone on everything. "I think we have!"

Bill hummed to himself thoughtfully before wandering off through a small crowd. Unable to get his attention, I weaved my way after him, not knowing where he was trying to go. Eventually we came to halt in front of the entrance to the ferris wheel.

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