chapter 14

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Trigger warning: minor panic attack description at the end of the chapter

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"So," the man - who I learnt was called Jacob - started, "you're telling me I should just go over there and talk to her?!" he squeaked, as if what I had suggested was so absurd I had practically told him to propose. I nodded, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, because really, it was. "Can't you do some - I don't know - magic thing to make her fall in love with me?" So that's why he made a deal with a demon.

"Is that why you made a deal with Bill?" I asked. He nodded shyly and I sighed. "Bill could probably do that, but wouldn't it be unfair to her? And you! She wouldn't really be in love with you then." Jacob sighed, knowing I was right, before inhaling deeply and walking toward her. I grinned, feeling like a proud mother watching her son leave for his first day of school.

The pride I felt toward him was short-lived, however, when he came scurrying back towards me. I sighed. "What?" He fiddled with his fingers nervously. "What do I say to her?" Groaning, I pushed him back toward the girl. "For the hundredth time, ask her on a date. Do it!" I gave him a final shove and he set off back in her direction.

When he reached her, he hung around awkwardly behind her, before pulling himself together and tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around, a slightly confused, yet happy, smile on her face, and I watched as he introduced himself and they began talking. Slowly, Jacob's tense shoulders visibly relaxed and I could tell he calmed down.

While they were hitting it off, I went to go find Bill. We were in a big clothing store, which sold items that seemed to cost a lot more than they were worth. Eventually, after roaming around the entire first floor, I found Bill in the perfume section, looking extremely confused as he sprayed the different scents into the air.

I came up behind him. "I'm assuming you don't understand the point in them?" Bill jumped when I spoke, almost dropping the perfume bottle he was holding. I laughed, earning a glare from him. "No, I don't understand. Why would you ever need this?" I shook my head with a sigh, still grinning. There was something amusing about watching Bill try to work out human things, and I immediately wanted to take him to more shops just to confuse him.

"You wear it so- wait, you are spraying testers, aren't you?" I asked, the realisation hitting me that Bill didn't actually know what he was doing. I looked on the table in front of him to see open perfume boxes scattered. It was as if a wild animal had ripped them apart. "I'm spraying what now?" He asked, staring at me blankly.

I sighed heavily, looking up at Bill, "Those perfume boxes you just opened were for sale, Bill," I said calmly. He looked down at the bottle he was holding before looking back at me, and began slowly lowering it onto the table, as if he was scared any sudden movements would set me off. I nodded approvingly.

Then, Bill opened his mouth to say something, when Jacob came racing towards us at top speed with the biggest smile I had ever seen. When he reached us, he screeched to a halt and grabbed my arms, his enormous grin not leaving his face. "We're going on a date, we're going on a date, we're going on a date, we're-"

"We fucking get it," Bill snapped, suddenly extremely irritated. It was strange seeing Bill like this, he was usually always smirking. Jacobs smile faded a little, and I shot Bill a look, shutting him up. When did I start having control of things? "That's great!" I beamed, trying to cheer him up. His smile grew wider and I knew I succeeded.

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