chapter 12

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(Mabel's POV)

There was no time to lose. Bill was in the room when I jumped through the portal and was surely on his way. I sprang to my feet, ignoring the sharp, piercing pain in my ankle which I must've landed on when was hurled onto the floor.

I had no time to process my surroundings, and broke into a sprint, hoping I would find my way home while running.

Ahead of me was a clearing that I recognised from when the gnomes kidnapped me. That meant I was near home. However, I didn't know the route to get back.

Then I remembered Dipper would usually take a walk just as the sun was beginning to set. I tilted my head up and saw the sky was tinted orange and pink. I let out a breathy laugh of relief. Maybe I would find him.

"Dipper!" I began yelling as I sprinted, in hopes that he would hear me and respond. I called his name, screaming it at the top of my lungs, but there was no reply. I was becoming desperate.

I could make out Bill's voice calling me in the distance, and as time went on his threats sounded clearer. He was catching up, and I was losing hope.

"Dipper!" I yelled one final time, my voice cracking slightly as I held back the tears forming in my eyes. The last thing I needed was blurry vision while running for my life.

I was ready to give up when I heard my name being called in the distance in a voice that I recognised. A voice which wasn't Bill's. Dipper? He called again and this time I was certain. It was him.

I used all my strength I had left in my voice to yell out to him again. "Dipper it's me. Dipper it's Mabel!" It was him. It was really him.

Behind me I could hear twigs snapping. Louder. Louder. Louder. Bill was getting closer. I couldn't let him catch me. I had to find Dipper.

"Mabel where are you?" I heard my brother yell desperately. I ran towards the direction his voice was coming from. Every time he called me he sounded closer. I was going to see my best friend again.

He called my name again and this time he was so close. We were barely a few metres away from each other. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins and I sped up, a huge grin plastered on my face as I prepared to reunite with my brother.

"Where are you Mabel?" He called again. "I'm over-" I was cut off when someone grabbed me and pulled me to the ground behind a tree, a hand placed firmly over my mouth. I already knew who it was.

I attempted to wiggle out of Bill's grasp. I had to get to Dipper. But his grip remained firm. I tried screaming but no sound came out of my mouth and I assumed he put a spell on me.

I could hear Dipper running, still calling out my name and snapping twigs as he made his way towards us. Please find me.

Then I saw him. He stopped a few metres away from where we were and looked around. I could hear him panting and trying to catch his breath as he wiped his forehead covered in sweat.

I tried to squirm out of Bill's grasp again but it was no use. I couldn't move. Not even enough to make a sound to signal to my brother I was here.

"Mabel?" He called out again. This time his voice was weak. Out of desperation, I bit Bill's hand, hoping he would let go of me or at least loosen his grip. Instead, he quickly switched the hand holding my mouth.

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