chapter 13

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(Mabel's POV)

Nobody spoke a word. The air was filled with an empty silence. The only thing that could be heard was the snaps of twigs and the winds occasional howls as we trekked through the woods.

I didn't know where we were going. He didn't say, and I didn't ask. Instead, we walked in silence, neither of us saying a word to each other. He had no reason to talk to me, I was just his slave after all, and I certainly had nothing to say to him. Or at least nothing that would benefit me.

We made our way through the winding trees and over-grown grass. Stinging nettles scratched my ankles and legs, leaving bloody cuts scattered all over me. I stopped for a moment, wiping the crimson blood that was running down my leg with my palm, and wiping it on my shirt. Inhaling sharply, I carried on walking.

We travelled for what felt like hours, and although I had no interest in speaking to him, my curiosity got the best of me. "Where are we even going?" I eventually asked. He chuckled, forming dimples on his cheeks. Crap I love dimples.

"Thought you weren't talking to me." He grinned, making me roll my eyes. I shrugged. Suddenly he grasped my arm and we came to a halt. I turned to him, ready to ask why when he bent down, muttering something under his breath. He reached his arm out till he was almost touching my leg, and when I looked closer, I realised my open cuts were quickly healing. My jaw dropped at the sight. Once he had finished he stood up, his mouth tilting upward at the sight of my shocked face. "Better?" He asked cockily. I was still staring at my legs when I realised he was expecting a reply, and nodded quickly. "Good", he replied enthusiastically, and continued on down the narrow wood path.

"So are you going to answer my question?" I asked, doing a little jog to catch up with him. Bill chuckled as if I had meant it as a joke. "We're meeting someone." I frowned. Why would someone agree to meet in the woods of all places, I wondered. Surely making a deal with a demon was scary enough. "In the woods?" I questioned.

"Maybe he likes being mysterious." He joked. I nodded, figuring maybe they wanted to make sure they met Bill out of sight. Or maybe they needed to hide from someone. After a few moments of silence I spoke up again. "So, why don't you just teleport us there instead of making us walk all this way? And are we almost there?" I asked, frustrated. I hadn't slept in roughly 48 hours and everything ached. My legs felt as if they were going to give way any second and my eyes were burning.

"Well I'd say we're half way there." My tired eyes, that felt as if they would fall out of their sockets any moment, widened. "You've got to be kidding me! I haven't slept in hours!" I practically yelled. There was no way I could carry on walking for that long. Bill laughed. "Don't be lazy, Mabel!" He tutted me patronisingly. I groaned.

"Besides, I thought we could take the scenic route rather than just teleporting." He chirped, and I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

Just then, my legs gave way and I landed on the floor with a thump, most likely bruising my legs when I fell. Luckily they weren't still cut, otherwise the fall would've been a lot more painful. Bill turned around and started laughing. "Really Mabel?" I glared at him, picking up a handful of leaves and twigs from the floor and throwing them at him, not caring how childish I looked.

The sound of his laugh only grew as he dusted the leftover mud off him. "Alright, alright," he breathed, his laughter finally fading, "look, drink this." A small bottle appeared at the wave of his hand and he passed it to me. "Drink and it will wake you up."

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