chapter 5

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(Mabel's POV)
"Like what you see shooting star?" He asked, raising an eyebrow seductively. I was speechless. Like literally speechless.

Well congratulations Mabel, you're officially a lost cause.

Just.say.something. Grrrr! Why was I getting like this? It's not like I wanted to date him. Sure, he was fit, but he was Bill! And that's what slapped me back into reality. This wasn't some fit guy I was going to stalk and attempt to flirt with like it usually was. This was my worst enemy, who was a literal demon triangle. I shuddered. Well, there goes any interest I ever had in him.

I shook my head. "Sorry, I'm not attracted to demonic triangles who kidnap innocent children." I replied sweetly.

Point 1; Mabel!

Bills smirked and took a step towards me. "Really shooting star? Because it didn't seem like that a minute ago when you were standing there speechless." I shot him a glare. He seemed to be enjoying himself! I, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to get as far away from him as possible.

"Why am I here Bill?" I asked, changing the subject purposely. He took another step towards me, making me shift uncomfortably. Ever hear of personal space? "We made a deal, remember?" He replied in a sickly sweet tone, obviously trying to play dumb to irritate me. Well it was working. Breathe Mabel, breathe.

"You know what I mean!" I snapped. He raised his arms up in defence and began laughing. Laughing. I swear I was this close to punching him. "Woah shooting star relax. Jeez kid, I never remembered you being this feisty!" I swear if looks could kill, he would be long dead by now. How dare he act as if he knows me?

Then there was a moment of silence. I wouldn't say it was awkward though, since he was probably thinking of a witty answer to my question and I was busy plotting his murder. "Let's just say you could be useful" he eventually replied. Useful? Are you kidding me? I refuse to be used. At this point I was one hundred percent ready to give him a piece of my mind but I held myself back since I was curious on how he was planning on 'using' me.

"And how am I useful, might I ask?" I tried to sound as cool as possible so he wouldn't think I was scared. Hopefully it was working. "Well," he started, "I have needed a new slave for some time now." My jaw dropped. I was officially done with hiding my anger. It wasn't like I was doing a good job of it anyway.

"Are you kidding me? Tell me your joking. There is no way in the world I would ever work for you, even if you payed me! I would rather die then work for you, you sick demon. I made this deal to keep my family safe, not to become your slave." Bill was smirking at me once again, obviously amused by my sudden outburst. I continued. "So if you think for even a second that I'll work for you-" he cut me off. "I never said you had a choice."

Part of me wanted to yell at him more until I had gotten everything I wanted to say out, but the other part of me told me not to. I didn't want to make a fool of myself like I already had. My original intention was to knock some sense into him but that obviously wasn't happening. Stupid. Of course that wouldn't have worked, he's a demon for Christ's sake. I mentally face palmed. If I carried on I would only embarrass myself more since it he was obviously finding my anger amusing. 

I took a deep breath and calmed myself. Or at least attempted to. "Why would you need a slave?" I finally asked. I wasn't going to yell again. I was going to be calm. "Well first of all, I have meetings that I need to attend and don't want to be looked down upon for not having a human slave by my side" he began. I sucked in a breath, trying to conceal my amusement. Meetings to attend? Demons have meetings? What about? Let me guess, a meeting dedicated to different shapes where they can discuss their angles and number of sides. I bet Bill's best friend is a square.

"Meetings?" I asked, after I finally managed to pull myself together. "About what?" "Business, and it's none of your business." He replied, grinning. I would've asked more about it, but to be honest, I didn't care. "So the only reason I'm here is to make you look good?" I questioned, slightly frustrated. I was being used as his accessory. And I am no ones accessory.

"Well, partly. Don't worry though, that's not the only reason, although it is the main." His eyes were fixed on mine, his face not revealing any emotion. I didn't like the fact that I had no idea what he was thinking. I didn't like the fact that he was staring at me either. Why was he staring at me? I broke the eye contact and looked away, hoping he would stop look too. Unfortunately, I could still feel his eyes scanning me so I looked down and my hands instead, fiddling with my ring.

Please stop looking at me. Please!

I eventually gained enough courage to speak, attempting to act natural, as if I hadn't noticed him watching my every movement. Not that he was being subtle or anything. He seemed completely oblivious to the fact I had noticed. Either that or he didn't care. "What's the other reason?" I looked up, once again meeting his gaze. Was he trying to make me feel uncomfortable? Wait, what a stupid question. Of course he was.

"Well, when I'm done with you, I can simply trade you for the journals, provided that Dipper cares about you enough to do it." He replied smirking, waiting for my reaction. He was probably hoping I would start yelling again since he obviously found it entertaining. I decided I would keep my cool, not wanting to embarrass myself, although I was extremely angry. I'm not an item that the can just give away when he's done using, not that I was against the idea of leaving him or anything. And how dare he talk about Dipper like that? It obviously wasn't true...was it?

No, shut up Mabel. He's just trying to get into your head. Don't believe a word he says!

So why did it feel like he was telling me the truth?

What did you think of this chapter? It's definitely the longest yet so I'm pretty proud!!! Also I'm sorry no mabill has happened yet, I don't wanna bore you guys. But to be fair, it's not like they're gonna fall in love straight away. Don't worry though, it will happen soon. I'll see if I can fit in some cute moments next chapter 🌚💫
Anyways, comment your opinions on this chapter🌸
Also do you guys want to see more from Bills point of view?

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