chapter 6

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(Dipper's POV)
It had been three days since she disappeared. Since I had lost my sister. I hadn't been getting much sleep due to my brain being constantly active, trying to think of ways to get her back. The little sleep that I did get usually consisted of nightmares.

Stan, Wendy and the others were all worried about her too. Despite their acting, I could still see past their calm exterior enough to tell they were concerned for Mabel too. I guess everyone had decided that if they remained calm around me I would feel better and be calm myself. It was a nice thought but evidently, it didn't work.

The police had been searching high and low for any sign of her, any clues as to where she went or what had happened to her. But despite their efforts, nothing had been found. It was as if she'd just vanished into thin air, like one minute she was there and the next, gone. Honestly, I had no idea what to think at this point.

The thought that Bill may of kidnapped her did cross my mind. Several times in fact. But what would've been the motive? It's never really been Bill's style, kidnapping someone for no reason. It seemed to me as if his entire existence depended on getting the journals, but what would kidnapping Mabel do to help him?

On the other hand, Gideon could have her. It made more sense too since he was pretty much obsessed with her and always trying to make her his queen. It wouldn't have been the first time he had kidnapped her either!

Eventually I decided that I would, for the time being, assume that Gideon had taken her since it seemed most likely. I would find Gideon the next day and confront him in attempt to get some answers. But Gideon was known to be bad news, so I figured I wouldn't tell Stan or Soos or anyone else what I was planning as they would obviously try to stop me. I would go alone.

Hold on Mabel, I'm coming to find you. Wherever you are.

(Mabel's POV)
Bored. Bored bored bored. That's all I could think as I sat on my bed, swinging my legs off of the side. It had been three days since Bill had kidnapped me and I was literally losing my mind! The only entertainment that I had in my room was a karaoke machine and there was no way in hell I was using that since, for all I knew, Bill could be listening. Besides, it would've been boring to use as I would be singing alone.

I groaned and flopped backwards onto my bed and shut my eyes, sighing. How long was he going to keep me locked up in this prison? This was torture. I hadn't been eating much, other than the dry loafs of bread he brought in two times a day. I was sick of it, but I was also hungry so I ate it in a heartbeat. Bill told me that if I was well behaved and co-operated, he would give me butter to put on the bread so I had tried my best to be nice to him. However, despite my efforts, I never got any. I knew it was pathetic, doing as Bill asked just for a small pot of butter, but I was desperate.

I began humming a song, trying to distract myself. The worse part about the room I was locked in was the clock. For the past few days, all I could hear was the constant ticking of that clock, ringing in my ears and it was driving me insane. Tick tock tick tock tick tock. It never ended! Honestly, I would've rather been stuck in silence since I figured that if I did lose my sanity, the clock would be to blame.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards my room and shot up from my laying down position quickly enough to see the door swing open, revealing a smirking Bill. "Good morning shooting star! Or is it good afternoon? Possibly good evening?" He teased. "You tell me, I haven't seen natural light for-" I was cut off. "I see the nice act wore off. Shame. I liked it when you were nice to me." He pouted. "Yeah? Well I only did it for the butter, which I was never given by the way." I replied, glaring at him. "You have changed over the past few years, haven't you shooting star?"

I chose to ignore him, because although he was the only entertainment I had, I was bored of constantly arguing with him. "You look bored." He stated, breaking the silence. "I am bored." I replied. He grinned. "Well not for long my lady! We are going out."

I gasped and sprung off my bed, only just landing on my feet. A wide grin formed on my face as I jumped up and down excited, like a dog who had just heard the word 'walkies'.  "Wait, really? Like really really? Are we actually? What are we doing? We're are you taking me? Will it be fun? Please make it fun, I'm so bored!" The words tumbled out of my mouth like a waterfall, one after another. I stopped to catch my breath.

Bill began laughing and I felt my body shiver. I may not have liked him, but he had one of those laughs that you could listen to all day. One of those laughs that you would beg to hear again. I rubbed my arm, trying to get rid of the goosebumps that formed.

Wow Mabel. Yes, Bill is hot, get over it!

After Bill finally caught his breath, he turned back to me. "We", he paused, "are going to a dance." Well that was unexpected. "Like a party?" I asked. "Kind of." He replied. "And just so you know, I haven't gotten any kinder. The only reason I'm taking you is because I have a meeting to attend which, for whatever reason, is in the same building as this dance." My grin didn't falter, despite his rude remark. I was just happy I got to leave this room at all!

"However, I was feeling particularly generous today, and got you this." He pulled out a white box wrapped with a red bow out from behind his back and walked towards me. I held my breath, not knowing what to expect. After all, this was Bill and anything could be inside it. He stopped in front of me and held out the box in his hands. I shly took it from him and placed it on the bed and began to open it.

When I looked inside, the first thing I saw was the colour of bright red, which I noticed was sparkly. I pulled the material out from the box and gasped. Before my eyes was a beautiful red dress. I let out a small squeal, and turned to face a grinning Bill.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed and ran over to Bill, embracing him in a tight hug. He smelt surprisingly good. Okay that sounded creepy. I felt him tense under my touch and immediately let go, embarrassed. What the hell was that? I mentally cursed my self and scanned his face, looking for any signs of anger or annoyance. He looked back at me, his face momentarily filled with shock before his face mounded into a smile. A real, genuine smile.

Well there's something I thought I would never see.

I smiled back at him, still overwhelmed with happiness. We gazed into each others eyes for a moment, and it was as if the clock stopped ticking, as if the world had stopped. However, it only lasted a second before Bill broke it, probably realising he had shown actual human emotion. The smile on his face disappeared and was instantly replaced with his usual, cold smirk. "Glad you like it shooting star."

I frowned for a second. Bill just showed me he actually had feelings, and then just covered it up. Why? Or maybe I was just being stupid. Of course Bill had no feelings, he was a demon after all. I shook off the feeling and went back to fangirling over my dress, deciding to dismiss what had just happened. I soon forgot all about it. After all, it was probably just my imagination...


Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since my last update, I just haven't really had time to update. However, good news!!! It's the Summer holidays!!!!! This should mean I'll have more time to write so hopefully more chapters should be coming out soon 😇 But anyways sorry for this crap chapter, but I did my best to give you a few feels. Don't worry y'all, next chapter should be where things get cute 😏
Ferri out 👋

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