chapter 16

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The first thing I was aware of was the sound of birds singing above me, whistling joyful melodies in harmony. The warmth of the sun wrapped itself around my body like a blanket, making me feel as if I was curled up in bed at home. For a moment, I almost thought I was.

There was something else though. I could hear someone's breathing close to my ear; so close that I could almost feel their breath tickling my neck. I shifted slightly, and that's when I felt a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I froze.

Eventually, my eyes cracked open slightly, allowing the bright rays from the sun to wake me up. Blinking a few times, I cleared my vision and examined my surroundings. I was lying on the forest floor, with an unknown person sleeping right next to me. I was afraid to turn around and see who it was.

Slowly, I began to recall the night before. Bill and I had made it to the clearing, and he made us some tents to sleep in (clearly we didn't use them). Bill then called me outside and we sat by the campfire together, roasting marshmallows, and I remembered how I practically exposed Bill.

But how did I end up here?

That's when it hit me. Bill asked me to stay! Clearly, we fell asleep next to one another, and somehow ended up in this position.

My face began to heat up, and I carefully rotated my body until I was facing the person who had their arm tightly wrapped around me. Sure enough, it was Bill.

I was definitely blushing.

How did this happen? I didn't even know demons could sleep. I knew they didn't need to. In the end, I assumed that as long as they were in their human form, they could do human things, even if they didn't need to.

But now I had a dilemma. What was I supposed to do to get out of this? Sure, being curled up with Bill was comfortable and all, and it meant I could take a close look at his face and see all the faint, little freckles scattered over his nose, but what would happen when he woke up?

I attempted to slowly move out of his grasp, praying he wouldn't wake up, but his arm simply tightened around my waist, and instead I ended up being pulled closer to him.


I tried to escape again, this time by gently holding his arm and attempting to lift it off me. However, before I even managed to lift his arm slightly, Bill grunted and began to stir, making me let go of him and close my eyes quickly, pretending to be asleep.

A few moments later, I heard Bill yawn and begin to sit up, when suddenly I felt him stiffen. Clearly, he had realised the position we were in. For a while, I could feel him stare at me, and I was worried he knew I was awake, but eventually he removed his arm from my waist and stood up.

I almost sighed in relief.

After a few minutes of assessing my situation, I decided it was safe to 'wake up', and I gradually opened my eyes. I sat up and looked around, only to realise Bill was nowhere to be seen.

My eyebrows furrowed. Where could he be? He wouldn't leave me when I could escape, would he? I decided to get up and search the tents, at least.

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