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This'll be another long one

You and Leo were in desperate need of money. Well, you mostly but Leo needed money, as well. You both needed to pay your phone fines by the end of the month, and you were both broke. Being best friends, you both wanted to either live together or die together.

McDonalds wasn't hiring and Taco Bell wasn't either. You were both completely worried until Leo spotted a notice on a bulletin board.

"Y/n, y/n!" You had turned from a website on hiring to see Leo, a huge grin on his face. "What is it, Leo?" You saw him hold up a flyer and you gasped. It said:

"In need of babysitters! Will pay $15 per hour. Please take number below if interested!"

"This is perfect! $15 an hour is so much! We can easily pay our fines," you exclaimed. Leo nodded and said, "Babysitting can't be that hard. Besides, I love kids!" You both agreed to call the person the next day.

~Next Day~

*Ring, ring..*

Person: Hello?

You: Hi, is this the residence in need of babysitters?

Person: Yes.

You: Yeah, me and my friend would like to apply for the job.

Person: Great! Just meet me at my address at noon today and I will interview you guys! *gives address*

You: Alright, thanks!

*Call ends*

You and Leo walked to the person's house, since it was just a few blocks away. Leo knocked on the door and a lady appeared. "Hello, you must be the babysitters. My name is Catlynn. Please, come in!"

You and Leo walked in and sat on a couch, waiting to be interviewed.

~After Interview~

You and Leo had gotten the job. Catlynn had told you guys that she would be back later that evening. You were both ready to babysit some kids. Catlynn's kids consisted of two older boys and one baby girl. Leo had opted to take care of the boys while you took care of the baby. You agreed and got to work.

Everything went wrong after only 2 minutes.

You were rocking the baby girl to sleep when you heard a crash from the living room. You gently set the baby down and sprint over to see Leo, covered in food.

"What happened?!" Leo looked at you and said, "I was just going to the bathroom and I came back to see the boys playing with food! I tried to take it from them but they threw it at me and ran!"

You groaned and heard the baby start to cry. "Oh shoot." You ran to the baby and left Leo to find the boys.

Leo's P.O.V

I had gotten up and wiped some dry macaroni from my hair. Geez, these boys are crazy, I thought. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

My eyes widened as I saw the boys finger painting on the wall. "No. no no no no," I exclaimed. I grabbed their hands and took them to the bathroom. I started washing one boy's hands and turned to wash the other's.

He was gone. "Oh my gods.." I told the boy to stay in the bathroom and I ran to look for his brother. I saw him drawing on the wall with a Sharpie. I grabbed the marker and literally carried the boy to the bathroom.

I locked the door and started cleaning the boys, hoping y/n had better luck.

Y/N's P.O.V

I reached the baby and held her in my arms. I started singing a lullaby and she started to calm down. I let go of a breath I was holding and sat in a nearby chair.

"You aren't so bad," I muttered. Shouldn't have said that.

Right after I spoke, the baby threw up on my arms. I yelped and stood up. I put the baby in her crib, and looked for wipes. She started crying again, but I had different issues. I smelled a dirty diaper. Great. I tried to find wipes and diapers but found only one clean one.

I heard Leo scream in another room but ignored it. I had puke on my arms and I had to change a diaper. I found wipes and quickly cleaned my arms. I threw the wipes away and ran to the crying baby.

I hope Leo is doing okay, I thought.

Regular P.O.V

Then came dinner. You and Leo sat the kids down at the table and went into the kitchen. You didn't ask each other how the other's kids were, because you could tell that you both weren't in a good mood.

"What do we make," you asked. Leo spotted mac and cheese. "Let's make this and put it into two bowls. Look for the baby food." You found the baby food in a separate cabinet and got a spoon.

"Alright, I'll go feed the baby. Good luck with the boys," you said. Leo smiled and said, "Thanks, I'll need it." You smiled back and left the room.

"Hey, baby! Ready for your dinner?" The baby giggled and clapped her hands. You laughed and fed her the first spoonful.

Leo came out with bowls of mac and cheese right when the baby spit the food out onto your shirt.

Leo's eyes widened and he quickly set the bowls down. He ran, grabbed napkins, and started wiping your shirt. You raised an eyebrow at the baby and said, "You hate me, don't you?" The baby smiled.

You looked at Leo and said, "My shirt is fine, Leo. Just feed the boys-" You and Leo looked to see the boys with bowls on their heads. "Uhm.." Leo walked over and lifted the bowls. Both of your eyes widened and you saw the mac and cheese mixed into their hair. "Oh my god," you muttered. Leo muttered a few colorful words.

~Time Skip~

You and Leo had bathed the boys, fed the baby, and put them to sleep after that.

You both plopped onto the couch and sighed. "Well, that only took us about, oh, 2 hours," you grumbled. Leo nodded and said, "I don't think we're gonna get paid. We ruined her house..." You both looked around and sighed.

"Oh well. There goes our money. We'll have to find another job." Leo nodded and you both went silent.

"We still have a few hours until Catlynn come back.." You nodded and grabbed the remote. "Let's watch a movie, then."

You had chosen f/m (favorite movie). You were both sitting together, watching the movie. You were busy watching the movie, but Leo was doing other things. He kept glancing at you and slightly smiling.

About 40 minutes into the movie, you felt an arm go around your shoulders. You looked at Leo and he pulled you against him.

You looked back at the TV and leaned your head on his shoulder. You felt him lean down and kiss your forehead.

You smiled and kissed his cheek.

After a few minutes of snuggling and watching the movie, Leo said, "When we have kids, they better not be this crazy."

Your snorted and said, "So you're planning my future for me!" He laughed and nodded. "Yup."

You guys stayed on the couch like that for the rest of the day. When Catlynn returned, she had yelled at you and had not paid you. You both weren't surprised.

The next day, you saw a flyer while walking hand in hand with Leo. You both grinned as you read the sign.

"Pet sitter needed. Take number if interested."

Leo Valdez x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now