z = ax + by + cxy + d
I shook my head, the math equation going in one ear and out the other. I put down a random number. Math isn't my strong point, and I doubt I would pass this exam. I need help.
The period ends and everyone piles out the door like a herd of sheep. Me and Matt were the last ones left, so I zipped up my backpack and walked slowly to his desk.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked. He looked up at me, packed up his things, and nodded.
"So, you see, I suck at math. It's so stupid, but if I fail the second part of the exam, then I might need to be held back. I was wondering . . . can you help me study?"
"Oh, um, sure. Yeah. How 'bout during lunch, in the library?" Matt asked. I was about to mention that I needed to give Chris Parker his football, but I figure it could wait till after school, when he had football practice.
"Yeah, sure. So . . . I'll see you in an hour," I mumbled, blushing. Then I rushed out of the room before he could say another word.
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was so short, but I didn't want to add too much. I hope you enjoy it... Please comment or like. Thanks!-teraCANread ❤️

once upon a football
RomanceWARNING: This book was written when I was 11 and 12 years old so ignore all the mistakes and cringe-ness LOL What's with the petty Cinderella? Her story sucks. I mean, she trips and loses a shoe, and voila! A prince comes to marry her. Is that reall...