English went by in a flash. Of course, this is my favorite subject, so I am awesome at it. I have English with Chris Parker, but normally he avoids me. So of course the football has to wait until after school.
"Katie, are you coming? We're eating with Sarah today," Sammie said. We were in the hallway, grabbing our lunches from the lockers. At least I didn't have to yell across the hall to Sammie, since her locker was two doors from mine.
"Um, not today. I have to do something in the library," I mumbled, my face heating up. I quickly shut the locker door and turned to face her.
"Katherine Thomas Marlon. Are you hiding something from me?" Sammie said in her teasing voice. I cringed at the way she said my full name.
"No, I'm just gonna study for math in the library, alone and away from the stupid morons in the cafeteria," I snapped. Sammie's smile turned to a frown.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I have my period. Must be the mood swings," I chuckled, trying to lighten the subject. I really didn't have my period, but Sammie didn't need to know that.
"Okay. But you're not mad at me, are you? I promise, I won't tell anyone about the football," Sammie said. I smiled and she smiled back. Then the bell rang.
"I'll see you in PE. Have a good lunch," she exclaimed, waving and walking to the cafe. I waved back and made my way to the library with my math binder and textbook in hand.
"Here goes nothing," I whispered under my breath, pushing open the door to the library.

once upon a football
RomanceWARNING: This book was written when I was 11 and 12 years old so ignore all the mistakes and cringe-ness LOL What's with the petty Cinderella? Her story sucks. I mean, she trips and loses a shoe, and voila! A prince comes to marry her. Is that reall...