Katie's POV
Oh. My. God.
I kissed Chris Parker. At the beach.
I missed school with Chris Parker. And we got home at sunset.
I had the best day of my life. With Chris Parker.
Isn't it unbelievable? It truly is. I leaned against the front door and watched as he drove away in his car. I shook my head. Me and him can never be together. He's dating Amy. I just need to forget it.
"Katie, we're having spaghetti and meatballs. Go wash your hands," my mom said from the kitchen. I went to the bathroom, and I looked at my reflection in the mirror.
My skin was flushed pink. My lips were red and swollen. My hair was messed up and tangled. My eyes were sparkling and my heart was pounding. I look like a big mess. Splashing water on my face, I tried to get rid of any evidence that I just made out with Chris. I brushed my hair and then walked to the dinner table. Then I picked up my fork and was about to eat the spaghetti when Mom looked at me like I was crazy.
"Katherine, we need to say grace!" she exclaimed. Maura giggled and my dad reached across the table. Soon we were all holding hands.
"We thank the Lord for the food before us, and let our sins be forgiven. Amen," Mom whispered. We all replied 'Amen' and started to eat.
"Katherine . . . how was school?" Dad asked suspiciously. I gulped and looked at my plate.
"It was . . . ah . . . the same as usual, I guess," I mumbled.
"That's funny. Your teacher called and said you missed all your classes after lunch, and you didn't come home till now," Mom mentioned.
Shoot. "OK, so, you see, here's the truth. I got into this fight with this guy, and I was crying, so my friend, Chris Parker, he took me to eat tacos by the beach, and we had a lot of fun, we lost track of time, but I promise you we didn't do anything you wouldn't approve of," I breathed as I rushed the words.
"Honey, why didn't you tell us you were upset?"
"Because I was at school, and phones aren't allowed," I shot back at Mom. She looked at me with a stricken face and I apologized, standing up.
"I'm sorry, Mom. Can I be excused?" I left without listening to their answer, pounding up the stair and shutting myself in my room.
What was I thinking about? My day with Chris.
This chapter is dedicated to JulixPanda, veromith1, and Horan109. These people are so awesome, so check out their books!

once upon a football
RomanceWARNING: This book was written when I was 11 and 12 years old so ignore all the mistakes and cringe-ness LOL What's with the petty Cinderella? Her story sucks. I mean, she trips and loses a shoe, and voila! A prince comes to marry her. Is that reall...