Katie's POV
I kept running and running and running, until I reached my house. Then I shut myself inside and looked out the window. Chris had stopped his car right there, and then he got out.
"Heck no," I muttered another string of curses under my breath until Maura came up to me in her Cinderella gown.
"Katie? Daddy says never to curse. Why are you cursing?" she asked in her tiny voice. I bent down and thought of an idea.
"Maura, a mean boy is coming after me. He'll be at the door in less than a minute. When you open the door, and he asks where I am tell him I left to get food for dinner? Even if he looks nice and is crying, please don't tell him I'm here, alright?"
"Um . . . OK," Maura smiled and the doorbell rang. I cursed again and Maura paused before opening the door.
"I'll do it only if you promise not to curse when you are in this house," she said in a stern voice, like Mom. I smiled and nodded. Then she opened the door, and I hid inside the closet in the stairwell.
"Um, hi, are you Katie's sister?" Chris asked in a wobbly voice.
"Yes, Princess Maura, how do you do?" she held out her hand and he looked at it for a second before kissing it like a prince would. I stifled a laugh.
"I am doing well, thank you. Although, I have seemed to lost my princess on our horse ride. Do you have any idea where I can find her? My princess's name is Katherine Thomas Garner," Chris said in a British voice. Darn. He's playing with her.
Maura gave him a confused look. "Um . . . your princess isn't here, I'm afraid. She, uh, left a little while ago . . . to find you, I presume," she mumbled.
Chris smiled. "May I leave a note for her, just in case she comes back?"
"Yes, you may," Maura giggled. "I'll go get you a pencil and a piece of parchment paper," she said. Then Maura ran to the kitchen, her gown flowing behind her.
"Katie, I know your here. And I know you're super mad at me, and you don't want to talk to me. But please, think about it, and forgive me if you will," Chris murmured, looking around the house.
My smile dropped as I heard what he said. I shook my head, trying to neglect his words, but they came back. Then I stopped thinking as Maura gave him a paper and pencil.
"I'll wait right here while you write," she smiled.
I wonder what he's writing.
Chris's POV
When Maura handed me the paper and pencil, I sat down in the chair next to the door. I quickly wrote something random, and then I folded the paper, writing Katie's name on the front.
"Here you go, Princess Maura," I handed her the paper. The little girl took it gleefully and I smiled. She'll give it to Katie. Or, at least, I hope she does.
"You may be going now," Maura said. She pushed me out the door with her tiny hands, and I laughed, waving goodbye, as I made my way to my car, thinking about the note.
Will you go to the dance with me?

once upon a football
RomanceWARNING: This book was written when I was 11 and 12 years old so ignore all the mistakes and cringe-ness LOL What's with the petty Cinderella? Her story sucks. I mean, she trips and loses a shoe, and voila! A prince comes to marry her. Is that reall...