Katie's POV
When I left the football field, I was weirded out with the Chris Parker encounter. I mean, I never thought he could be so . . . flirtatious! I literally wanted to punch him when he kept moving closer to me. It was so wrong. He has Amy!
"Katherine, come inside! It's gonna storm!" my mom yelled from the front door. I sighed, happy that the football was no longer in my hands. Then I closed the car door and ran inside before I could get wet.
"Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie! Guess what Daddy gave me?" my little sister, Maura, asked.
"What did Daddy give you?" I asked her, putting down my backpack.
"He gave me a necklace! Now I can wear it to school, and Chase Heckler will notice me!"
I glanced down the hall where my dad was working in his office. Did he tell Maura she could bring the necklace to school?
"Look, Maura, you don't need jewels to look pretty," I said, brushing down her blonde, knotty hair. Then I ran upstairs to my room, shutting myself in there.
I quickly logged on the computer and onto the school website. Then I gasped. I saw a drawn picture of myself. And under it was a description:
Hey, guys, its Chris. Um . . . just wanted to know if anyone knows this girl. Its important. Please comment below and tell her name (I promise, I'm not gonna stalk her).
-Chris Parker
Oh. My. God. He wants to know who I am. Being the computer-tech I am, I quickly hacked into the school system and erased the picture. Hopefully he won't notice. But I do not want Chris Parker to make a big deal about me. After all, I only gave him a football.
Click on the External Link below to see Matt's picture of Katie

once upon a football
RomanceWARNING: This book was written when I was 11 and 12 years old so ignore all the mistakes and cringe-ness LOL What's with the petty Cinderella? Her story sucks. I mean, she trips and loses a shoe, and voila! A prince comes to marry her. Is that reall...