I sniffled. Me and Sammie were watching Titanic, and its my favorite movie in the world. But its so sad! Of course, it affected Sammie the most because her great great great grandmother was on the Titanic and she died. So tissues were piled around her blanket.
"'I'll never let go, Jack!" we bother cried at the same time. We laughed, and then my phone rang for the fourth time. Again, it was Matt. I declined the call.
"Why does he keep calling you?" Sammie asked, taking the phone out of my hand. She scrolled through the missed calls.
"He texted you, like, a thousand times," she said, smirking.
"What?" I paused the movie and read the texts out loud.
where did you go?
are you ignoring me?
katie, say something!
come on, i never kissed her, she kissed me
please, talk to me
i need to tell you the truth
"OMG, you never told me what happened with you guys! Please say!" Sammie squealed and I shared the freakin' love story.
"Text him back!"
"Should I?"
"BECAUSE. Just do it!"
Then I answered his questions.
I went home with Sammie
Yes, I'm ignoring you
I'm talking to you now
I don't care who kissed who first, but you still kissed Amy back
I don't care about the truth
I never want to talk to you again
Sammie grabbed the phone and looked over the texts.
"Girl, you totally served him," Sammie smiled. I smiled back and un-paused the movie. The tears will now fall.

once upon a football
RomanceWARNING: This book was written when I was 11 and 12 years old so ignore all the mistakes and cringe-ness LOL What's with the petty Cinderella? Her story sucks. I mean, she trips and loses a shoe, and voila! A prince comes to marry her. Is that reall...