Chapter 5: Moving on

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Ananya's POV

Nathan's eyes resembled those pair of eyes I saw on the 30th floor. But how could it be. Still there was something that was pulling me towards him.

No matter how much I tried I couldn't resist looking into those eyes. I know he has caught me doing that.

I was lost in my thoughts when Grace walked up to me.

"You know Nathan is completely into you. He just keeps asking me about you. I am sure he is going to ask you out."

"What? But?!!."

Mr.Mason called Gracy and she left, she left me thinking.

I know I was wrong. Suddenly all my past stood before my eyes, questioning me. And I was lost again.

The ride back home with Alex was quiet. He was used to me getting upset I know, and after a few times in the college he stopped asking, seeing how much discussing about it bothered me.

"Hey, do you want me to stay with you here tonight?" He asked as he pulled over in front of my house.

"No. I am fine. I need some time alone, that's it" I managed to give a smile back.
I wasn't just the past this time troubling me. It was different, the present and the prospect of a future disturbed me.

He bid goodbye and drove off. As I turned to get inside the house, I looked at the house next to ours, and tears filled my eyes. I ran inside and knelt in front of Mrs. Donavan keeping my head in her lap and cried my heart out.
She knew something was wrong and waited patiently to empty my heart gently stroking my head all along.

"Maa..Maa.." that's all I said while crying. <Maa in hindi language means mother>

I don't remember how long it was before I gathered my broken pieces and looked at her. She lovingly stroked my cheeks, wiped my tears and asked to get freshen up.

"We will talk after dinner dear. See old woman's stomach is making noises now."

I obeyed and went to my bedroom.

After dinner, we went to her room and I lied down with my head in her lap.

"My darling will now tell me what is bothering her. But before that, will you do something for me?"

I shook my head in a yes.

"Will you call me Mom going forward. Nothing will mean more than this to me."

"You are already my mother. Mom. I can never repay you for saving my life, giving me this new life."

"Now tell me whose ears do I need to wriggle this time for hurting my princess. Did Alex say anything?"

"No Maa." With a little hesitation I started, "There is this guy in office, Nathan. His eyes are just like his, you know who. And that's what's attracting me towards him. He likes me too, and he might ask me out as well."

" thats good. Why does that bother you so much?"

"It seems by thinking about him, I am betraying Ra... you know who. It doesn't seem right to me and I feel guilty for thinking about Nathan."

"My dear daughter, if you keep holding your past how can you build your future. You need to move on in life. I think you have spent enough ears reminiscing in the past. You deserve some happiness dear. You deserve a partner to share your life with. How long will this old woman last?"

"Please don't speak like this. I don't know what will I do without you. But thinking about someone else just refreshes those old wounds and it hurts. Will it even work, when my soul is stuck in the past?"

"If you don't try, how will you know if it will work or not. I would say, you should give it a try. If he like you, he will not fail you. And who is this guy, who swept my princess away in this short time. I would like to meet this young guy. How does he look?"

I smiled and blushed a little thinking about him, and it made Mom smile. "I love his eyes, they are a little of green and blue. He is tall, black hair and I can't be sure but it seems he works out. He wears Spectacles, but I am sure if he removes them he will look like a Greek God. His smile is ..."

Mom started laughing and she hugged me tight, "Just be happy like this my dear. I want nothing else. Call this Greek God of yours for dinner someday. I would definitely love to met him."

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