Chapter 46 : Our Home

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Alex's POV

We left from the club
In the back seat, Ananya sat close to me in the car, all the while holding me, wrapping her arm around mine.

"It was Nathan, wasn't it?"
She didn't react for a while but then nodded in a yes.
My blood boiled with rage but I couldn't show it. Not in front of her when she was already so disturbed.
"Ok. We can talk about it later when you feel like it. For now, I want you to cheer up as I am about to show you something you are definitely gonna like. Atleast I hope you would."

She didn't move.
" What is it?"
"Oh this? Its what kept me away from your for the past few days."

In about 30 mins, we reached our destination. The gate opened and we entered a compound.

"Where are we Alex?"

"Ananya, I know its very late in the night but I knew we wouldn't get any time later. The next two days are going to be very busy you know."

We got our of the car. It was all dark around. I didn't need to ask her. She already was holding my hand tightly.

"Alex, its very dark. I am scared."
"Oouch! I am with you and still you are feeling scared? Well I am scared too. I thought you will protect me."
She gently hit my arm. And I wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer. She didn't resist.

"Ok. Stop here. Close you eyes."

"Is this a joke? Its already dark here. What more do you think you can hide Alex?"

"Stand here with your eyes closed. Don't worry. I will be back in a second."

I left her hand before she could even react.
"Well thats not fair Alex."
I went ahead to turn on the main switch of power supply.
"Ok. Ready? Now open your eyes."

I was now looking at Ananya standing in the flood of lights slowly opening her eyes.

As she opened her eyes I could clearly see the look of surprise in her eyes.
She looked from one end to the other. She turned around and looked behind her.

"This is our new home." I declared.

She looked lost. And I could guess the reason why. This villa was built exactly the way she had once described to me her dream home. If she was this shocked to see it from outside I was sure she would be stunned to see it from inside.
I did every possible detail as per what her imagination was.
And what I couldn't do,I left it for her to take care off.

"I hope you like this garden, its on all 4 sides. We have a swimming pool on the right side. And one small pool inside too.
And yes there is a swing a little far from the pool. To the left there is a garden you can flourish with the flowers of your choice. There are huge trees on all sides to give you the shade that you always look for."
She was just listening to me,awestruck.
It was she, who dragged me inside.

She turned around and had a look at the interior of the living room and ran towards the kitchen. She ran like a little todler running behind a puppy totally lost in the surrounding.
And this made me happy. My efforts paid off.

She saw the entire ground floor and then came running to me expecting to see even more.
"Alright, enough of running around for one day darling."
I lifter her in my arms, as she protested with slow taps on my chest and shoulders.
"Calm down. I am not going to drop you. But I can't trust you. The way you are running, I am sure I will end up getting a good bashing from my mom."

I took her to the first floor where we had all the bedrooms.
There was a bedroom on the ground floor and 3 on the first floor. One more bedroom was on the top floor.
I kept the tour of top floor for another day.
For now she should see the bedroom.
I put her down in front of the master bedroom. As I opened the door I annouced, "This is going to be our bedroom."

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