Chapter 26 - The Past

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Alex's POV

Meeting Anaya after so many days was a disaster. I may have just over reacted.
I thought I could be ok with her seeing Nathan but I was wrong.

I was waiting for Grace in the hotel room.
John knew about this sudden plan i had for the afternoon and he suggested me orherwise. He knew I was taking this step in anger. But I just wanted to get through.

Since the day i fell for Ananya, i had eyes only for her. All my dreams, all my fantasies had just Ananya in them.
I was feeling like a fool now. Why did I not tell her i loved her first. May be things would have been different.
I was a Casanova before I met her. And now I felt i had a better life before. Love was not easy and one sided love was never going to be either.

And hooking up with Grace was just a terrible attempt to try to go back to who I was.

Grace entered the room with the key i had left at the reception. I was brought back to reality and to quickly go through this terrible idea before I changed my mind, i grabbed her arms and pulled her close.

She looked surprised at my desperation but didn't protest. I locked her in my arms and tried to engage her in a passionate kiss.
She ran her fingers through my hair with one hand and held onto my shoulder with another.
But something felt wrong. Like by kissing Grace I was cheating on Ananya. I broke the kiss abruptly and it wasn't hard for Grace to note my discomfort.
She smiled at me as i loosened my arms around her setting her free.

"So you have eyes for only one girl. You feel for only one girl and I wasn't wrong about it since start."
I looked away, knowing that what she said was the truth.
"Look at me. I know you love her. But she only played you till she needed you. Now she is fooling around with another billionaire."
"Shut up Grace. You don't know her like I do. I love her. Get that?!! I do. But she never committed anything to me. She didn't even know. Let it be. You wouldn't understand even if you tried to."

She walked towards the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer.
"You think I won't understand? Why do you think I am here? For that stupid car? Do you think i dont understand what one sided love would feel like? Trust me, I do.
But you don't know what love is?"

I felt guilty. I tried to use her and she came here not for the car but for what she felt for me. I am an ass.
" i am sorry."
I went and sat next to her on the couch. She laid her head on my shoulder.
We talked for a couple of hours and she made me realise what i was losing while trying to hold onto my selfishness.

If i truly loved Ananya, i would be happy to see her happy. And she was the happiest i have seen her when with Nathan. I learnt my lesson the hard way.
If Ananya was with Nathan, it was my fault. I never told her how I feel even when I had a chance.
And now I am ready to lose a friend like her just to hold onto my one sided love and ego.
I wont let that happen. I want her in my life, even if it means being just a friend to her and seeing her with someone.

I thanked Grace and dropped her to her home. It was around 7 and I decided to go apologize to Ananya.
When I reached her block I saw Nathan's Lemo waiting outside. I didn't think it to be appropriate to barge in when Nathan was around. I waited for him to leave when I saw Ananya get out of a cab. I wanted to stop her there but ny better judgement suggested otherwise.

I thought Nathan was there for dinner and I would go in once he leaves. But then I saw Ananya leave with Nathan. I was late again.
I decided to go and talk to Mrs. Donavan. I knew i owed her an apology to. I haven't been returning her calls as well.

"Hey Mrs.Donavan. How are you?" I rang the bell and Mrs. Donavan opened the door.
"You? To what do we owe a visit from you big boy?"
I sensed motherly anger in her tone.
"I am sorry. I really am. I have been a jerk."

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