Chapter 17 : The Agreement

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Nathan's POV

I put Ananya down once we reached the penthouse.
"And now the house looks complete with you in here my love."
She did not look pleased at all.
"What the hell was this Nathan? Explain right away..wait I need to lie down. My head it hurts. Its as if all my blood has rushed up to my head."

She held my hand, looking dizzy. Seeing her state I just picked her this time in my arms like a little baby and this time she did not protest. I took her inside to my bedroom while her eyes were still closed.
I lay her down on my bed and sat beside her.
In the dim lights in my room, i realised she looked even more beautiful.

"Nathan..I hate you so much for what you did. But my head really hurts. Please do something."
She spoke as she opened her eyes.

"Give it a minute sweety. I am so sorry. But you wouldn't talk to me. And i really need to clear it out with you. This distance is killing me."

I bent down to look into her eyes directly.
"Distance? What distance? Dont you think you are just too close to me now to complain about distance?"
I smiled at her feeble attempt at humour.

"Baby, you need to lie down for some time. I will get you some juice."

When i returned with the juice, Ananya was standing near the bedroom balcony door.
"This view is beautiful."
"Here have some juice."
"Nathan, we need to talk first. I think you may misunderstand me still standing here in front of you."
I kept the glass on the table and getting closer to her i kept my finger on her lips.
"Sshh sshh sshh.. not a word. I know i behaved like a jerk that day. I don't know where to start explaining nyself from. But i would prefer we start once you drink your glass of juice."

"Lets go to the living room. And we can talk." Saying, she picked up her glass of juice and i followed her out.

Her eyes were trying to check out every corner of the house. I bet she liked it.

Ananya's POV

I sat at the centre of the white couch in the living room. It felt very soft and comfortable. I picked up one of the many soft feathery cushions lying around and held it close to my chest.
"So you were saying.." I did not like the idea of sitting here and talking to him. I still felt I was betraying Alex, as it was Nathan who humiliated Alex, my best friend.
On one side i felt the same tingly feeling in my stomach that i felt everytime Nathan had come closer to me and on the other side i hated him for doing what he did to Alex.
Nathan gave me a mischievous smile. "The first thing that I wanted to say was that I missed you. I have missed you terribly. And..."
He was now standing at a distance from me looking at the floor and brushing his fingers through his hair.
"Can i kiss you first and then apologise?"

"What? Are you out of your mind? Oh!! Now I see how serious you are about everything. I am just a joke for you. Aren't I Mr. Swornwell? "
My blood was reaching its boiling point seeing how casual Nathan was. My heart was longing to get something out of this conversation but each and every word that came out of his mouth showed that may be I don't really truly matter to him after all.

"Ok ! Ok! Calm down. No kissing till the end of this. Oh god! I really screwed it up didn't I? "
I was fuming with anger when he came and kneeled before me keeping his hand on my knees. I was now looking straight into his ocean deep eyes. He was staring back at me with this intense gaze that made me freeze for a moment. I was lost in his eyes when he spoke,
"You know Ananya,that day i really meant every word that I said about my feelings for you. I didn't know how you feel about me. I am not really sure now but I do care for you. In this short time that I had been with you I have felt this immense attraction towards you. I dream about you when I am asleep , when I am awake all I do is think about you. I can't point to even one reason why I feel what i feel about you, but i know I am being honest for sure when i say, Ms. Donavan I am in love with you. I want to not just dream about a future with you but I want to walk the walk of life with you and build that dream into reality. Please give me one chance."
For a moment I believed him. Each cell in my body wanted to believe him. But the reminder of what he did to Alex broke my trance.
"Mr.Swornwell, I may for a moment believe the feelings you say you have for me. But it will never justify what you did to my best friend."

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