Chapter 52 : Freedom

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Nathan's POV

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head. This had become a daily routine for me. As I opened my eyes I saw my father sitting on a chair near my bed and smoking his cigar.
"What are you doing here early morning?"

"If you call 12.30 pm as early morning then I am sorry to have disturbed you. But I can't see my son wasting his life after a girl."

"Dad, dont make me regret opening up to you. You need to get out of here."

"Nathaniel, I will be spoken to with respect. Keep that in mind. Every penny that you are spending on booze and those whorish girls is my hard earned money. Now listen to me carefully."

"Dad, if you are here to tell me that I am the father of Ananya's unborn babies then you are wasting both of our times."
I got off the bed and closed the curtains.
I looked out for my robe and my father followed through handing it to me.

"Clean up and get dressed. I am waiting for you at the breakfast table."
Dad left the room.

Where was the girl I spent the night with? May be she left. I didn't care.

My days now started with gulping asprin for the headache and ended with me drinking to the brink of my consciousness. Occassional one night stands were my way of trying to forget the time I spent with Ananya.

Why am I still not able to take her out of my mind? I wondered.

I got fresh, took a shower and went to the kitchen. The breakfast was all set for me and father was busy reading the newpaper with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"So you too start drinking this early in the day? I guess we don't need to wonder where I get my habits from. Why are you here again?"
I knew his answer. He has been desperately trying to convince me to bring Ananya back in my life. I know why he was doing it. To try to bring my life back on track. He was worried about my drinking. He thinks I am drowning in alcohol due to the void Ananya left in my life. May be he was right, but just because of the fear of losing myself I cannot brace myself for another betrayal.

"Check these DNA reports son. They are yours. The babies are yours. Bring them home."

It made me laugh. He has now procured fake medical reports.
"Dad, enough with your games. Doesn't suit you at this age. I have to leave, have meetings to attend."

I picked up the sandwich and was about to leave when Dad spoke again, but this time he had my attention.
"Son, if you don't do something about getting her back, I will have to take things in my own hands and I guess you won't like it then."

"Threat? About the girl I no longer care about? Wow! Dad you can do better than this. Do whatever you want to do, Dad. You have my blessings. Can I leave now?"
I left without turning back to listen to his answer.
But for sure I knew I couldn't let Dad do whatever he likes. It would mean trouble for Ananya and ofcourse more for me.

I pressed the elevator button to the operations floor.
I reached and signalled Grace to give me my schedule for the day in my cabin.
She was trying to say something but as usual I decided to avoid her.

I wasn't expecting to see him in my cabin.
"Well well!! To what do we owe the honour of your visit Mr.Lexstur?"

He lowered his head and smirked a little.
"Trust me, if given a chance I will wipe out your existance from my life."
He spat his venom on me with a straight face.

This was going to be fun.

I sat on my chair and kept my feet on the table.

"Then my dear old friend, what brings you here?"

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