Chapter 9 : Cinderella

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Ananya's POV
I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. This saturday morning felt even brighter. But how did i get in my bed and in my night dress? Oh..i didn't even remember anything after i got in to the car with Alex..
I should give him a call. What did happen?

"Ananya..Ananya!! You up yet? Come down dear I have made your favourite pan cakes."
I heard Mom call. I quickly got up throwing my phone in the bed and got fresh. I took a shower as fast as i could and put on my PJs. It was saturday and I was in no mood to go out anywhere unless the sky falls down.

"Good morning Mom.." i kissed her cheeks and she brushed her hands in my hair. Pulling my hair up in a bun i breathed through the aroma of banana pan cakes and my mouth started watering.

" wow!! I love you so much.. i am going to eat them all." And i grabbed a bite.

" did you eat mom?" I questioned still focussing on my plate as if the food is going to run away.

" yes sweetheart. I did. How was the party last night? I could see you thoroughly enjoyed yourself." She giggled.

She was holding a cup of coffee when she started giving me those inquisitive stares. " care to tell me? Or my daughter is going to start keeping secrets?"

I blushed and gave her a meek smile. How does she come to know when i have something to share?
" ok. So he was also there in the party. You know..Him.!" I couldn't stop smiling.

" who was there? Mr. Mason ?" She said teasingly.

"No. Mom. you know... Him. Nathan. Now let me speak."
"So i entered the club and he was already there. We almost know..we almost..he held me by my waist and pulled me close enough..and . And"

" and what my dear?" She started laughing. Done with her coffee, she put the cup in the sink and started to walk off to the laundry room.

"You don't want to listen further?" I quickly picked up my plate and followed her.

" i want to listen my dear. But my daughter is too shy to even take his Name. How can she tell me what happened? By the way, where was Alex? "

" don't ask. He just disappeared and then when he finally came he came at the wrong time. But i really had fun last night."

I hugged mom from behind. Though still holding on to my pancakes.

" have you told Alex about these feelings you have for Nathan?"

Her question sunk my heart. Alex was my best friend but I had not shared with him yet. It somehow felt wrong.


"Mom? How did i get into my bed? I don't remember anything and my clothes? How did I? I don't drink and I am blacked out."

" Relax my child. Alex picked you up and took you to your bed. He is a body builder I must say. He did that with so. much ease. And then."

"And my clothes? "

"Alex? No no...i was still up waiting for u. I changed your clothes. Stupid girl. Alex is a good boy. I trust him and even you should."

" i do. I just wanted to know. Oh. I think i should talk to him. I will make a call and join you in the kitchen to make lunch."

I ran up to my bedroom. Got hold of my phone to call Alex. As soon as i opened the phone i saw whatsapp notifications showing on my screen from an unknown number. Curious i opened up.
My jaw dropped, it was Nathan smiling at me from his profile pirture. My heart was pounding.

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