Chapter 24 - The misunderstanding

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Ananya's POV
It was probably morning. I did not feel like waking up. It felt warm and cozy. I didn't even open my eyes, thinking this amazing feeling would go away.
I heard a knock.
Oh fish!! I thought. It was Maa. She is knocking on the door to wake me up for work. My god, am I this late.
"Ananya, you need to wake up my child. You are late for work."
I was in no mood to even open my eyes.
"Yes Maa, just coming in sometime. Want to sleep a bit more."

"Dear child, you are going out with yor boss doesn't mean you can change the office rules. Get up this instant or I will need to come inside and wake you up myself."

She reminded me of Nathan. I imagined him treating me like an actual boss. It made me smile. But it was just for a moment. I quickly opened my eyes. My boss!!

"Oh lord! I am screwed."
I said to myself. I recalled everything that had happened last night and so realised i was not alone in the room.
Nathan had an arm around me while sleeping and now i could feel that for real. I panicked and moved Nathan's hand aside. He was still fast asleep, and my god, he looked so serene.
But i had only a few seconds beforw Maa barged in.  I whispered in his ears.
"Nathan, Nathan. Wake up please. Maa is about to come in. I don't want her to see us like this."
"I thought you said she knew." He opened one eye and barely spoke.

"Oh don't even think about it. Get up and go inside the bathroom. Quick please."

"Hmm. Ok." Seeing me panic he hurried towards the bathroom.

"Wait. I forgot to ask you last night, how did you come into my room?"
I am not sure why i brought that up when i brought that up.
"Never mind. Just go."

He quickly disappeared. I swiftly half opened the bedroom door and there Maa was standing. A second later and she would have been inside.

"Oh dear, did you not sleep enough last night? Come on my child, get ready fast. I am making breakfast. Should I be making breakfast for 2 or 3?"

I was stumped. I opened my mouth to say something but words couldn't find their way out.

" i said 3 assuming Nathan will be coming to pick you up."

"No he won't. And i am already late Maa,i think I will grab something at work to eat. I will get ready now."
Maa smiled and left. I knew she knew and she knew that I knew she knew, but neither of us wanted to put the other in a tough spot it seemed.
I closed the door behind her.
"Come out Nathan. How are we going tk deal with this? How will you go out now?"

"Just the way I came in. Relax. I will manage. And i will pick you up in 45 mins. Tell Mrs.Donavan that I am indeed coming to pick you up."
He gave me a quick peck on my lips and i ran inside the bathroom. When i came out, Nathan was gone.
I got ready and went down for breakfast. Maa didn't mention last night or the fact that she knew Nathan was here. I felt guilty though and wanted to tell her.
"Maa, last night..."

"Darling, you should know very well by now that I trust you more than anyone. So relax."
I felt relieved. Thats what I loved about her. She never made unnecessary fuss about stuff. She trusted with open mind and open heart.
I heard the bell and opened the door to see Nathan standing, he smiled and pulled me close with his hand around my waist.
I hit him gently on his chest and requested to let go, as Maa was in the next room. But Nathan was in no mood. I think he still had the hangover from last night.
"Please let go. Please."

"Ok. But first you will need to give me something."

I would have given him anything.
"Yes. Anything. You can have anything you want. But not now. Just let go before she comes. By the way she knows you were here last night."

"Its ok. She trusts me. And be prepared, I would ask for what I want and you have agreed to give it to me when I want it. Great!! Lets go then."

"Yeah. Lets meet Maa first. Maa!!!! Nathan's here. Am leaving. Bye. See you in the evening."

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