Chapter 18 - "I'm game"

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Nathan's POV

As we got out of the elevator and walked towards the IT section I could see Ananya becoming visibly uncomfortable.
I stopped midway and held her hands in mine bringing it closer to my lips. I kissed both her knuckles and looked into her eyes.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. If you don't feel comfortable to go with me and get your stuff we can always send someone to get it."
She was still looking at the floor lost in her own thoughts.
"Hey beautiful. Look at me."
Her eyelids slowly moved and her deep grey eyes peeped from underneath and stared into mine.
I pulled her closer to which she did not protest.

"Oh!!! So it was you Nathan. I mean Mr.Swornwell."

The shrieking voice broke our eye contact and took us by surprise.
I let go off Ananya's hands and turned around only to see a grinning Grace standing in a corner.
I took a quick look at Ananya and she had a look of a teenager getting caught in the act by her parent.
I smiled at it. And without taking a look at Grace I wrapped my arm around Ananya's shoulder to comfort her.
"Its ok! Relax."

"Yes Ms.Grace. And I would appreciate if you maintain discretion about this. You are making Ms.Donavan uncomfortable."

Grace was still wearing the grin when she walked towards us.
"Congratulations both of you. You know we had a bet going on in the work bay as to who Ananya's secret lover is. You or Alex. My bet was on you and I won. So I am double happy you know."

I don't know if it was the mention of Alex or the fact that my employees were having a pool and betting on my personal life, that made me angry.
I let go off Ananya who was now staring at me.
I know my face was now fuming with anger. I gave a sharp look at Grace who was for some reason still smiling broadly.
"Trust me when I say Ms.Grace that this is the most polite way I am using to convey my displeasure. I will not tolerate another word about my personal life on the workfloor again. And Ms.Donavan being special to me makes her part of my personal life too. In no way would i tolerate anyone embarrassing her in public. Hope I have made that clear."

Grace looked stunned for a moment and then gathered herself.
"Yes Sir. I will keep that in mind."

"Now help me Ms.Grace to get Ms. Donavan's stuff from her desk. Will you?"
Grace just nodded back.
I looked at Ananya who was tensed now.
"Ana.. please go down and wait for me near the reception. I will call the driver and inform him. We will leave as soon as I collect your stuff."
She shook her head like an obedient child and left.

Ananya's POV
I saw the look on Nathan's face when he heard Alex's name.
Throughout my way downstairs, i kept thinking about what had happened.
Does Nathan still think that I am hiding my feelings for Alex from him?
I love Alex. But I have loved him as a friend. He is my best friend who ofcourse is not speaking to me anymore. I need to meet him and sort things out with him.

I never realised he had feelings for me. He never mentioned anything. Or was I too blinded by my past that I did not once see where my friendship was leading him on.
I reached the ground floor reception area and sat on the couch next to it.
I closed my eyes in exasperation.
I miss you Alex. For no fault of mine you are punishing me. Talk to me once. I really need you by my side. I want to be there for you as you have stood by me in my toughest time.

"Hey princess. Are you ok?"
Nathan's words broke my trance.
Tears rolled down my eyes when I opened my eyes.
"Hey. Why are you crying? I am sorry. I know the little theatrical display of my affection this morning put you in an awkward position in front of your colleagues. I promise I will not do anything to make you uncomfortable again. Now relax baby. Lets go get some lunch. I am starving."

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