Chapter 19 : hide n seek

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Ananya's POV
I didn't like the idea of lying to Nathan. If I wish to make Nathan a part of my life I need to be honest with him.
But I first need to sort out whatever this is with Alex. If only he talks to me and gives me a chance to explain.
Lunch with Nathan was fun. I loved the restaurant. But it made me remember Alex more.
Just a few weeks after we had met, he had gifted me a beautiful fish tank with a couple of gold fishes. I remember how upset I was that day. I was sitting in a corner of the library sobbing slowly trying to wash off my pain. It was a difficult phase for me but Alex made it easier.

I remember playing with those fishes the entire evening. Alex came to my house for the first time that evening. He brought pizza, donuts and movies which we did not even watch that day.

The bus came to a sudden halt which brought me back to the present.
I got out of the bus. It was a pleasant weather.
At the end of the road I saw the Lexstur Mansion.
"Alex! Please be home. Please be home."

I entered the gates of the residence after talking to the gate keepers.

It was a long walk to reach the mansion doors. The water sprinklers were on and a cool breeze was blowing making my hair dance with it.

I reached the door and Mrs. Lexstur, Alex's mom greeted me. I assumed the gaurds had informed her.
"Hello Dear! So nice to see you. How are you?"
She gave me a warm hug and a kiss on my cheek.
"You look more beautiful each day dear." She exclaimed.
"Hello Mrs.Lexstur. I am good. How are you doing? Its been long since I last met you. And thank you for your kind words."
I blushed a little at her compliment.
She had always showered me with compliments. She loved my eyes my hair and wished a thousand wishes to have a daughter like me.
"Come in my dear. Have a seat. So tell me what brings you here when Alex is not around. Did he do something? I am going to wriggle his ears when he comes back. He troubled ny daughter."

Her warm gesture brought a smile on my face.
"Where is Alex? I have not met him since you know the day at the office when.."
She cut me short.
"Oh yes dear. He seems to be very disturbed since that day. I did not event get to see him after that day. He said he has been staying with John. And I didn't push him. But I am surprised he has not met you. When at home all he does is talk about you. Is everything alright?"

Our conversation was interrupted by her buzzing phone.
"Hello darling. Yes I was about to leave. But Ananya, Alex's friend just came. "
"Yes yes. The same friend that he cannot stop talking about."
She winked at me and I just smiled and look down.
It broke my heart a little. I hurt her son. And she had no idea.
"Yes she will join us. I will personally invite her."

She went on for about 5 mins discussing the preparations for some party i presumed.
I re-dialled Alex's number, but it went straight to voice mail.

"Sorry dear. So much as I would have loved to talk to you right now dear, I have to help Mary with the party preparation. I will have to leave now. But I will definitely see you in the evening. You are coming to the party and I wouldn't accept any excuses. Hope you don't mind waiting here. Alex should be here in some time. He had called."
She hugged me and seemed really apologetic for leaving me alone. But she gave specific instructions to the help to feed me up to the brim with food and take care of anything I need.
She really cared for me. I was sitting in the living room couch restlessly turning pages of a magzine, not reading a word of it.

"Hey Ananya. Wasn't expecting to see you here. How are you?"
It was John. My heart sunk a little thinking may be Alex has also come with him and finally I would get to meet him.
"Hey John. Where is Alex?"
I questioned John with hopeful eyes.

Alex's POV

Aunt Mary is throwing me a party. And John knows I am in no mood for it. Seeing her today with Nathan made me realise how much I missed her and the more I think of it, the more the feeling sinks in that we can never go back to what we previously had.
I ruined it.
"Dude look at your face. Change your mood and change it real quick. We have to be at my place in exactly an hour. The family photo!! Remember?"
John pulled over in front of the Mansion garage.
We got out of his Porche and headed towards the main door.
"The next time I see Ananya, I am going to walk to her and tell her how miserable you have made my life. And all that for Her."
I gave him an angry look.
"Awww.. and I am going to show her this face that you make. I am sure she will have a good laugh."

"That's it. I am going to kick your ass. You better run to save it."

We both laughed and I started chasing him in the garden. He paced hard and i was not far behind when he entered the mansion and exclaimed.
" Hey Ananya!! Wasn't expecting to see you here. How are you?"

I am going to kill you John for this not so funny joke. I thought he was fooling around with me when I heard her voice. Her sweet voice knocked on my ears and I stood just outside the door rooted to the spot.

" Hey John. Where is Alex?"

"Uhh..uhh.. He .. He.. fuck tell me how you are doing?Its been so long we have met. Hows work? And how is your mom"

John played smart there. He sure knew I wouldn't want to meet Ananya. But why was she here? Its torture enough to not talk to her but being this close and not even see her. It was killing me.
Hiding behind a pillar I called John.

"Hey Alex. Where are you? Ananya is here. When will you be coming?

"John! Tell her I have reached Aunt Mary's. And I would not be coming home any time soon. She needs to leave and I want you to ensure she reaxhes home safe. You will drive her back yourself."

"Oh you owe me big time brother. I mean I am getting your stuff for you. Ok. See you."

I don't know whats happening inside. I just walked off towards the other aide of the garage. John would be coming out any moment, with her.

I just hid behind the tree and saw my love leave.
Pushing her away from me is going to be very hard.

Ananya's POV

I somehow felt Alex was there . That broke my heart.
Maa was waiting for me. She had not even had her dinner. I felt guilty for having made her wait.
"Maa I am sorry. I should have called. But I went to Alex's today to make him talk to me. But he never came home."

"Oh dear. Give him time. He is definitely not doing this to hurt you ny dear. He cares for you. But he also has every right to protect himself from getting hurt."

I set the dinner table and Maa served the food.
We talked about everything that happened that day. She was laughing when i told her what Nathan did at work.
"Stay happy like this my dear. I just want to see you smiling. Always! God bless you darling."

We went to our rooms.
As i lay on my bed thinking about the day, my phone beeped.

'When the sun sets and the sky is dark,
I lay on my bed and think of you.
You brighten my day..
You sweeten my life..
And one day you will lay by my side and be my ****..
Good Night sweetheart!!'

My lips curved into a smile. I had asked Nathan to win my heart.
Well played Nathan!

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