Chapter 8 : Almost

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Nathan's POV

She is looking gorgeous. She is going to take my breath away one day. I can't resist her, I need to have her.

"Hey beautiful, I can't take my eyes off of you." I kept staring into her eyes, while her cheeks turned red as she blushed with each word coming out of my mouth.

She just smiled and said thank you while looking down at the ground, still blushing. She reminded me of my dream. I wanted to go close to her, and I took a step forward. She moved back a step and rested against the bar counter.

I did not want to miss this chance, and so i closed in again and further pushed her against the counter keeping my hand on the counter blocking her way out. She became shy, and never looked at me.

I brushed my fingers against her cheek and she shivered. Looking at her shivering body I could feel intense sense of excitement in my body. I put my index finger below her chin and moved her face up to get a look at her face.

"Open your eyes. I want you to look into my eyes, when I say this."

She was breathing heavily, I could see her chest move with vigor. Her shy innocence was killing me.

I couldn't wait any longer. I looked in her eyes, while she returned my gaze and I said, " You are the most beautiful girl here, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I just wanna kiss you, and I am going to do that now."

I moved closer to her when that idiot Gracy jumped in. So close!!

"Hey Nathan". She realized we were having a moment and backed off.

But the moment was gone, Ananya became visibly conscious of the presence of people around us. She moved away, but not before i held her hand. She turned back, shyly looked at me smiling and slowly moved away freeing her hand.

She went away and joined Grace and others on the dance floor. But she was still stealing bashful glances at me.

I think she is into me. Yess!!!


Ananya's POV

What just happened? Did he almost kiss me?? Does he like me?

Oh God.. I think I am falling for him.

I never thought my cheeks would become this red again. I am blusing!! Just the thought of him kissing me is making me feel shy.

I need some alone time. What if people notice my mood change?

I went into the ladies room. There was no one in there. I brushed up my make up a little, still smiling to myself in the mirror. Then with a happy heart joined my colleagues in the dance floor.
I felt free, finally like air.

I have been dancing for long. I was feeling tired but never wanted to stop. Grace was dancing with that Jacob guy from work.

Oh my god where has Alex been? I started looking for him again. He messaged me he will be back soon. But its been 2 hours already.

Suddenly the dance number changed to my favorite track.
I decide for it to be my last dance song as I was feeling hungry and wanted to eat something.

Woooh!!! Without me realizing it a felt a hand wound around me and spun me around. I bumped in on a strong body. In a state of shock i realized who it was when i opened my eyes.
I was stunned with shock and pleasure. The mixed feeling made me tremble with joy. or was it passion?

NATHAN continued dancing with me in his arms. Not understanding what was happening completely i followed his rhythm.
This felt good. And,
I was not hungry anymore.

Moving on the beats we slowly reached the end of the dance floor. I thought I knew what was about to happen.
Oh my god! I am not ready for it.
Ofcourse i was excited but NOT ready.

Nathan let my waist go and made distance between us. He moved back a little and asked for my hand not breaking the eye contact. His smile was mischievous but i was completely lost in it.

He pulled me towards him with a jerk. His hands around my waist again. I could hear my own heart beats now.
I was scared a little. I had never done this before. I looked him in the eyes and i could feel my mouth go dry.

He gave one of his mesmerizing smiles. With his right hand he removed his spectacles and threw them in the corner. His other hand still around me holding me close.
He then gently motioned my body backwards in an arch, now bending over me, he used his right hand to tickle my cheeks and then held the back of my head moving it towards his face.

I closed my eyes. I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

" Ananya!! Ananya!!"

I heard Alex's voice. The moment was gone.Just like that.
Alex was standing there as if he saw a ghost.
"Alex! What are you doing here? Where have you been?"
Nathan helped me stand up on my feet again and that's when i realized he was almost carrying the complete weight of my body a few seconds ago. In a split second my carefree mood changed and I bursted out on Alex.

" you left me alone, you creep. Where have you been? Tell me you were with a girl coz i am not going to spare you for no other reason."
I started hitting Alex playfully and he just pulled me towards himself in a hug.

"Calm down my Angry Bird! I was just with some friends. What have you been upto without me?"

I suddenly realized I left Nathan's hold and forgot about him. From the corner of the eyes i saw him smile and leave.
I tried to move out of Alex's grip but he whispered in my ear " Don't even try! I missed you. Now dance with me. "

We dances for like another hour.

" we should do this more often." He said.


"Clubbing. You have got some amazing moves. And you brighten up when you dance. I love you Ananya. I just feel like stopping the car and kissing your cheeks right here right now."

I was very tired, almost half asleep. Alex was busy talking , but his sweet loving voice pushed me more into my dreamland, where i guess Nathan was waiting for me,to finish what we had started that day.

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