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"Own Ways" MiwaMisa one-shot

Misaki was going to Kyoto at 4:00 PM since Shin had told her to. She rode a cab and told the driver to go to the Shibuya Train Station. (A/N: Made up name)

She bought a ticket to Kyoto and waited for a few minutes before the train arrived. She boarded the train and sat by the window and stared outside.

It wasn't that type of train that hade compartments, however it was just to Misaki's liking. She felt someone poke her slightly and call her.

"Excuse me, miss?" She looked up and saw a guy with blonde hair and gray eyes. "What is it?" She asked, trying to be polite.

"Is this seat taken?" The guy asked, reffering to the seat beside her. Misaki shook her head slightly and murmured a 'no'.

"May I sit here?" He asked. She nodded at him. The blond smiled at her and sat. "Um, I'm Miwa by the way. Miwa Taishi."

"Misaki, Tokura Misaki." Misaki replied, not taking her eyes off the window at all. (A/N: She kinda acted like Kai in my opinion O.o)

It took a few more minutes before the train started moving.

"Ah, hey nee-san..." Miwa called her.

"What?" Misaki asked, still staring outside.

"M-may I borrow your phone? I-I have to send an email and I f-forgot mine..." He told her, fidgeting with his hands.

"Sure, here." She replied and handed Miwa her phone, not having any doubts at all. Misaki heard him mutter a 'thanks'.

Miwa entered the number and texted the person. He returned Misaki's phone after deleting the text message.

Misaki got her phone, and she swore that she heard a ring, however she just ignored it and just stared outside.

After 15 minutes, the train arrived at Kyoto Train Station. Everyone stood up as they prepared to leave.

"See you again soon, Misaki nee-chan." Miwa smiled at her and Misaki nodded.

They went to their seperate ways. Misaki did what Shin had told her to. Her chores were done quickly and she immediately returned back to Card Capital by 10:00 PM.

She was about to go to sleep when her phone beeped. She rubbed her eyes as she read a text from an unknown number.

Misaki hummed as she read the text. "Goodnight, Misaki nee-chan." She whispered.

'Who is this?' Misaki replied, and in a few seconds her phone beeped again.

'It's me, Miwa. Sorry if I forgot to tell you in my first email :D' She read mentally. She tried to remember who this Miwa was, and then she remembered who he was.

'Miwa?! How did you get my email?' She tapped send on a whim. 'Well, I messaged my own email, sorry if I lied.'

Misaki's shock faded as she remembered Miwa asking her if she had load, then texted someone, and hearing a ring. 'So it was your phone that rang.'

'Haha, yeah, sorry.' Misaki sighed as she read his reply. 'It's no big deal actually.'

'So, Misaki nee-chan, can we meet up? It's just I treat you as my friend.' She was shocked as she read his text.

'That's alright, but I live in Osaka.' (A/N: I don't know where, pardon me)

'I also do. So, can we meet at the park?'

'Sure. Tomorrow at 12.' She sub-consciously replied, until she returned to her senses. "Wait, wait, wait, no! Cancel!! UGH!" She exclaimed as she sat up, as the screen showed 'Message sent.'

"UGH!! WHY DID I AGREE?!" She exclaimed. 'Okay! Looking forward to it, Misaki nee-chan!'

Misaki sighed as she lay back on her bed.

The next day, Misaki was heading to the park. She saw Miwa on a park bench and she approached him.

Time went by fast, and before they even knew it, it was already 3 PM.

"See you soon again, Misaki nee-chan!" Miwa waved goodbye and Misaki waved back.

"He's not that bad, after all." She whispered to herself as she walked her way back to Card Capital.

(A/N: I really love MiwaMisa so... You get the point.

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