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//Same as before, copy pasted//

It wasn't just a simple card. It was her most prized possesion. Many would think it was just a simple card, but for Misaki it has high sentimental value.

It was the last thing that her parents gave her before they.... died.

And now it was lost, Misaki was determined to find it. Goddess of the full moon, Tsukuyomi.

She glanced outside and, coincidentially it was a full moon.

Misaki snuck outside and searched for it at the park. She may be just 12 years old, yet she was so skilled at jumping down and balancing.

But it was hopeless. She never found it. So she went home.

The next day, Misaki saw someone at the shop. He was never there before, since Misaki saw him only now.

"Welcome." Misaki greeted, yet it sounded sad. She saw the person get something in his pocket.

"Uh, this?" He returned it. Misaki glanced at the card. It was the exact card that she lost.

"Tsukuyomi... Arigato!" She said gratefully.

"Call me Toshiki." He said.

"Arigato, Toshiki!"

And since that day, they became really good friends. Toshiki went everyday to the shop, and Misaki was always there waiting.

Until one day, Toshiki never returned. Misaki was waiting until nighttime, yet he wasn't there.

Misaki waited outside, and stared at the sky. She noticed it was a full moon. Misaki felt sad. She remembered the day when she lost her card.

And she also remembered when she met someone due to it.

Days... Months... Years have passed. Misaki was already 16 and she was now a 2nd year high school student.

She keeps her card in a binder now, just to make sure its condition would be safe.

Misaki passed by the park, and memories returned to her. She can still remember the time when she lost Tsukuyomi. She was desperate to find it that time so she snuck out.

Misaki didn't notice that she was staring at the park for some while now. She only stopped when she realized it.

Misaki was staring at the ground as she walked, causing her to collide with someone. Misaki immediately stood up and apologized.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry! I..I wasn't looking where I was going!" She immediately left.

Misaki ran inside the shop. She quickly went to her room and locked the door. Misaki leaned on the door.

"Misaki? I heard you ran so I rushed here. What's wrong?" She heard her uncle ask.

"I'm alright, Shin." She replied and Shin left. Misaki laid on her bed, searching for something in her bag. Until she noticed something was missing.

The day after that, it was Saturday. Misaki was sitting behind the counter, until 2 people entered.

"Kai, why are you ignoring me?!" The blonde asked his brunette friend, only to get ignored. Misaki only saw them today, so she assumed that they were new customers.

"Welcome." Misaki said plainly.

"You lost something?" The brunette asked her.

"H..How did you know?"

"Does it look like this?" He got something from his pocket.

Goddess of Good luck, Fortuna.

"Arigato, Kai." Misaki said as she received it. Misaki felt an intense wave of deja vu.

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