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"Rose Garden" RenSaka one-shot (Requested by @Audreymak66)

(A/N: After rewatching Legion Mate, I realized that I kind of ship MisaRin...It's cool, actually. Also GaiChi, KaiRen (even though I support it for a long time now), RenChi (not bad either), GaiKai and etc... Yep, I'm probably the weirdest shipper you've ever met XD

So...Read now! P.S: Asaka may be a little OOC. Just telling you.)

A 11-years old kid was walking around a rose garden. "Do you like it here, Asaka?" Her aunt asked. She and Asaka went to a garden since Asaka requested it.

Asaka shook her head. "No, I just don't like it." She then smiled widely. "I love it!" Asaka beamed with happiness.

Her aunt smiled. "Thank goodness! I thought that you would be dissappointed." She said. Then somebody called her. It was her best friend from High School. "Wait here, Asaka." She said and talked with her best friend.

Asaka couldn't keep still. She was tempted to explore. She was mesmerized by the flowers. So she gave in to her temptation.

Asaka was walking around when she saw a blue rose. She was entranced by its color and beauty. "Sugoi..." (A/N: These are thoughts of a kid, guys.)

She bent down and stared at it. There was a lady bug on it. Asaka stared at the lady bug curiously as it moves. "Do you like that rose?" She heard a voice ask her. Asaka turned around and saw a boy, about her age, with red hair and crimson eyes. He was smiling at her.

"Um..." She trailed off as she stood up and removed the dust off her skirt. "..." She remained silent.

"Ah, sorry for not introducing myself! My name is Ren, nice to meet you!" Ren exclaimed and reached out a hand with a smile. Asaka stared at his hand and hesitantly shook it.

"I-I'm Asaka." She stammered a bit as they shook hands.

"Now back to my question earlier. Do you like that rose?" The boy asked while smiling widely. It's as if he had no problems with his life and just keeps on smiling.

"Y-yes I do..." Asaka admitted that she likes it.

"Do you want it?" Ren asked again. Asaka was about to refuse but Ren interrupted her. "Don't be shy!"

"If I'd get it then there wouldn't be any blue roses left..." The girl explained. Ren winked at her.

"Don't worry, the others are already picked, that's why there aren't any blue roses left. See?" He motioned towards the flower stall. Asaka saw that he was right.

"I'll just buy then-" Ren cut her off.

"It's alright! Pick it if you want!" He encouraged her to get the rose. Asaka hesitantly knelt down and tried to get the rose. Take note: tried. She accidentally touched a thorn. "Ah!" She exclaimed.

"Asa-chan! Your finger is bleeding!" Ren noticed and also knelt down. "Give me your finger." He told her and Asaka held out her hand. Blood was rushing out of her finger. "This usually happens..." Ren said and took out a bandage from his small bag.

He wrapped Asaka's finger and it slowly stopped bleeding, until the blood clotted. "Thanks." The navy-haired girl thanked him.

"No problem! Want me to get the rose for you?" Ren offered. Asaka immediately refused.

"Nahh, I'll just buy a rose-" She was interrupted again by Ren handing the rose to her. "Ren?" She asked in confusion.

"Here, take it. It is freshly picked and it is the same color of your hair!" The boy told her. "And I removed the thorns." He added.

Asaka noticed that there was some blood on Ren's hand. "Ren, why is blood present on your hand?" She asked. Ren shrugged.

"Ah, probably from the removing of the thorns." He replied while standing up, Asaka doing the same.

"Thank you." The girl thanked him again. Ren smiled.

"Anything for a friend!" He said with a smile. Asaka was taken aback. Friend? This boy thinks of her as a friend?

"Friend?" She asked in confusion. Ren's smile just grew wider.

"Well, we're friends aren't we?" He asked. Asaka smiled back and nodded.


They were happily talking until somebody called Asaka. "Asaka! Where are you?"

"Who's that?" Ren asked Asaka. Her eyes widened.

"Oh no, it's my aunt. I just sneaked!" She exclaimed.

"Aww, too bad..." Ren pouted in disappointment.

"Sorry, Ren! I'm sure we'll meet again someday!" Asaka exclaimed as she ran off. "Bye!"

"See you again!" Ren also shouted.

Asaka reunited with her aunt. "Asaka, where have you been? And you got a rose?" She asked.

"Well, auntie I met a friend! He got this rose for me! He's super nice!" Asaka told her aunt.

"Really? Good for you!" Her aunt replied and Asaka nodded while smiling.

----5 years later----

Asaka smiled to herself as she saw that there were blue and red roses by her bedside in her room in the Foo Fighter's (or Team Asteroid's) Headquarters. She immediately recognized who was the giver.

"Ren-sama..." She whispered. Asaka inhaled the scent of the roses. She then smiled as she felt a presence other than hers. "Thank you." Asaka thanked the person.

"Did you like it?" The person asked. He turned out to be Ren. Asaka shook her head.

"Nope, I didn't like it." She replied.

"Aww, come on admit it, you liked it!" The redhead insisted, but Asaka still shook her head, causing Ren to pout in dissappointment.

"I don't like it since...I love it." The navy-haired girl replied. (A/N: I was about to write bluehead, however some people might take Asaka as Aichi... ._.)

"Really?" Ren asked with a smile. Asaka nodded and she then kissed him, Ren responding to the kiss.

And it all started 5 years ago, in a rose garden.

(A/N: Meow!! I'm back! After 10 or so days! 

No, not really. I still have school later (It's 5:20 AM here) and our exams are next week. Please be patient with me!

Meowww! Sorry guys!

Any thoughts of this one-shot? Any requests?

Bye! Gotta go to school! Meowwww~!



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