Depressed Reader x Kai Toshiki

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[Hello, Neko-Lexie is here with a new one-shot.

Thought that I need a break from all the drama, thus writing this one-shot and thus, there's the title. I'm sorry if I have been inactive for way too long.


You deserve to die.

You're worthless.

You can't do anything right.

Cut everyone some slack.

Stop trying so hard.

It's useless.

Everything you do is futile.

Make it stop...

You tried to scream against the voices in your head.

Nobody needs you.

You're such a burden.


You gripped onto your head with your right hand, the other one's holding your chest.

You felt your heart beat faster, sweat falling down your face as you panted while you sat in the corner of your clubroom. You were the only one left as it was already 17:23. You glanced at the bag beside you, which where your phone was located.

Please...Someone help me. You pleaded in your mind, hoping that your phone would ring, which of course won't.

No one's going to help you.

It's just you and me.

And soon enough it's going to be just me.

You shut your eyes close tightly and clutched your chest tighter. You were hyperventilating, taking in short fast breaths.

Your thoughts were starting to become irrational. You couldn't think of any way to make it stop.

Well, you couldn't think of anything except for one way.

With shaky hands, you grabbed your bag and opened it, taking out a small knife which you always bring with you. Seeing the blade made you smile a bit.

This...This is going to end it.

I'm sorry, everyone. I'm such a failure in life.

You ignored everything else around you. The tables in front of you, the sound of your phone ringing, and the sound of footsteps approaching.

You bit your lower lip, and with your still shaky hands, you pulled up your sleeve, revealing many other neat wounds. You swiped the blade against it, biting your lip harder as the familiar sensation was felt. 

That's right.

Ending it will grant you satisfaction.

Just go end your pain, [Y/N].

You nodded, losing your control over yourself. You moved the blade against your skin again. You smiled to yourself as you saw the blood draw.

I am an artist...

However, a blade is my pen...And my skin is my canvas.

You thought to yourself as you continued making more cuts.

You heard someone knock on the door, however you were too absorbed into your own business.

"Anyone there?" You heard a familiar voice ask.

Kai...Leave, please. 

You mentally begged, tears streaming down your face. Your loss of hope was suddenly replaced by a completely different feeling.

You heard the lock of the door click open, and it seems that the brunette picked the lock.


You cursed in your mind, pointing the cutter at your neck as he didn't see that you were there. 

"[Y/N]!" He immediately exclaimed, eyes open wide as he saw you there in the corner, however he was unable to react as you slit the side of your neck.

"Damn! [Y/N]!" You see him run to your side, his expression in shock.

Heh..Sorry that you had to see me like this.

You tried to speak those words, however you didn't have the energy to. Your vision was getting blurry and your energy was drained. You were exhausted physically, emotionally, and mentally.

You can feel yourself being lifted off the ground, however you didn't care anymore as your eyes shut by themselves.

- - - - -

You couldn't open your eyes. You tried to move, yet you felt restricted.

You tried screaming, however nothing came out.

Everything felt numb. It was like you're trapped in nothingness.

Until the sensations slowly came back.

You immediately felt the searing pain at the side of your neck and the small pain in your arm.

But most importantly, you felt the pain in your chest.

Kai saw you trying to kill yourself. You can never forget that look of concern and shock he had. That enough was enough to make you feel guilty.

You slowly opened your eyes. The first colour that you saw was white. You felt something attached to your chest. You tried to move but instead let out a sound.

 You heard a gasp beside you, making you glance at it.

"Are you okay?!" Kai asked in panic, losing his cool. You tried to speak in response, however you felt tired to do so and just nodded.

You heard him sigh in relief, "thank goodness. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you, for being too oblivious."

You were taken aback. Not by his apology, but his expression while saying it. He looked genuinely concerned and worried.

You just stared at him, making him feel compelled to say more, "if you ever feel lonely...Call me or Miwa. If you want to cut...Injure me instead."

"Wh-" You reacted on impulse, but your throat felt dry. Kai went to get you a glass of water, which you drank.

"Why would I hurt you? I can't do that, it'll make me guilty--" You stopped in realisation.

He sighed, "you understand, right? So, please...Just stop this, okay? We'll try to help."

You smiled at him, nodding.

- - - - -

What's up guys, I have returned!

Okay, not really.

Anyways, just request anything again, sorry I lost the other requests. I can't assure you that I'll do it, but I'll try!


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