MiKai Part 2

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"Stuck" MiKai one-shot Part 2 (Requested by @Darkness_Angel4 and @EmiliaUchiha)

Time went by faster than Miwa had expected. Before he even knew it, it was already 20:12 or 8:12 PM.

Kai was still hugging him and nuzzled further into the blonde's chest.

"Do you really think of me that way, Kai?" He asked him even though he won't get a reply.

He sighed and hugged Kai. "I really love you, Kai, even though you probably don't love me too..."

"You're really an idiot, Miwa..." Miwa heard Kai mutter.

"Ah, sorry for waking you up again..." He apologized.

"How many times do I have to tell you to shut up?" The brunette asked against Miwa's chest.

"As many times you fought Ren and Aichi." Miwa replied with a grin.

"That's an awful lot..." Kai replied while looking at Miwa.

"It's alright for me as long as you would kiss me." The blonde smirked a bit, making Kai look away and blush a bit.

"T-That was the only way to make you shut up a while a-ago..." He stammered a bit.

"Eh? Is that so? You'd usually glare at me to silence me." Miwa added and Kai's blush deepened.

"S-shut up M-Miwa or we're through!" Kai said out of embarrassment.

"Alright, alright, I'll shut up-wait, what was that? You said that 'we're through', what do you mean?" (A/N aw poor Kai, being teased by Miwa...)

"E-exactly what you think..." Kai murmured, still looking away. He released Miwa and sat up.

"Is that so?" Miwa asked again, doing the same as Kai.

"I meant it..." The brunette faced the blonde, still blushing a bit but not as much as before.

Miwa smiled and leaned in, Kai doing the same thing. Their lips met and Kai smiled against Miwa's lips.

"I love you, Kai Toshiki..." Miwa told him as they pulled away.

"Likewise, Miwa Taishi." Kai replied, his smile was still visible.

"Geez, can you ever express your feelings properly?" Miwa sighed and allowed his head to fall over Kai's shoulder.

"Like I said before, I know and I don't care as long as you understand me." Kai said in a monotoned voice, his smile faded.

"But what if it comes to the day that I can't understand you anymore?" The other teen asked with another sigh.

"Then it's not my problem anymore." The brunette replied and sighed.

"Then I'd hit on nee-chan." Miwa told Kai and he felt like shivering. Kai was kind of protective with Misaki as if she was his sister, and even Miwa knew it.

"I was just kidding, Kai..." He immediately added after he felt Kai's cold glare.

"Tch, that glare meant nothing, idiot. It was just to shut you up. Do I really have to tell you everything?" Kai replied and Miwa smiled a bit before yawning.

"You're sleepy, aren't you?" He asked and the blonde nodded curtly.

"Then go to sleep. It's easy." Kai told Miwa and he laid down.

"What about you?" Miwa asked as Kai adjusted his position so Miwa's head was on his lap.

"I can sleep like this. Unlike you, I can easily sleep." Kai told the blond.

"Alright, I'll take that as a compliment. Goodnight Toshiki." Miwa rolled his eyes before he bade the brunette goodnight.

"Tch. Don't call me by my given name-" He was cut off.

"Why not, Toshiki?" The blond asked again, as if teasing him.

"Just shut up or else-" The brunette was interrupted again.

"Or else what?"

"Or else I'd bang your head on this bleacher." Kai threatened.

"Okay, I'll stop. But it's as if you can do that-" It was Miwa who was cut off this time.

"I can't do that, but I WILL do that." The other teen emphasized the word 'will'. Kai was actually capable of doing that, though.

"Alright, but why are you so confusing and bipolar, Kai Toshiki?" Miwa asked, he was staring into Kai's jade eyes.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Kai asked.

"A while ago you were flustered and blushing, and now you're back to being cold." Miwa stated and Kai shrugged.

"I don't know, should I bang your head here?" He asked sarcastically, a menacing aura was around him.

"No need, thank you." The blonde said, half in fear and half in sarcasm.

"Didn't you say that you're going to sleep?" The brunette asked.

"But I still don't want to, even though I'm sleepy..."

"Then I'll sleep instead. Get up, I'm lying down." Kai said and motioned for Miwa to stand up, but he immediately pretended to be asleep.

And after a while, that pretending actually happened, Miwa actually fell asleep.

Kai stared at Miwa while he's asleep, since he knew that he wouldn't have the chance to when he's awake, otherwise he would get a lot of teasing.

He glanced at the clock; it was 20:48 or 8:48 Pm. "Might as well go to sleep..." Kai muttered as he leaned on the bleacher.

He intertwined his fingers with Miwa's, and then he closed his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Aishiteru, Miwa Taishi."

(A/N: Kya!!! >////< I like this chapter a lot better than the last one! Even though it's shorter than the last one...

It's not that good though XD

No more part three, but do you want me to make another?

And one more question: Am I qualified to write a yaoi story already? 'Cause I've been asking that question to myself for a long time already.

I got a lot of ideas for a story, actually. 37 prologues and descriptions are stuck up in my mind XD

Any requests?


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