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(Hunter's POV)

"I triple dog dare you... To go into the forest, behind the house."

Her voice echoed slightly in the empty room. The house was old and abandoned, so there was no furniture in the room. The floor was cement. It and the walls were cracked, but somehow they still remained stable.
Our group, Max, Kittai, Kat, Ash, Kai, Venus, and I, went into the house often, on Saturdays when we all had free time. We'd all concluded that it was safe.

The forest behind it, however, was a different story entirely. No one went in there, and rumor has it that the place is haunted by a monster. No one else believes it, but I do. I just get a bad feeling.

Max's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "But... What if something happens?" He huffed.

The one who'd given the dare, Kittai, shrugged, "It won't happen! It'll be okay!" She giggled, "One hundred percento!"

I spoke up, "Uh.. I think Max is right on this one.." My voice was quiet and timid, as usual.

Kittai's blue eyes turned to me, "Aw, but Hunterrrr..." She whined before giggling, "I'm gunna tell your boyfriend that you're a pansy!"

"And I'll tell yours that you're trying to get your friend killed." I countered.

She rolled her eyes, "It won't kill him! It's only a few minutes!"

"Guys!" Kai, Max's older brother, abruptly snapped.

Everyone turned their attention towards him. I noticed how the moonlight that shone in made his facial scar stand out.

"We'll take a vote on it. Now, whoever thinks it's too dangerous, put your hand up. Max, you can't vote on it, since it's your dare."

I sighed and lifted my hand, surprised to see that I was the only one.

"Then it's settled!" Kittai giggled, "He goes in! For fifteen minutes!"

A terrified expression crossed Max's eyes for a moment, but it quickly disappeared as he gave a short nod. I seemed to be the only one to notice it.

We all stood and made our way outside as a group. When we got out, Max reluctantly made his way between the dark trees, disappearing behind them.

I gave a sigh and tried to quietly reassure myself with a whisper of, "He'll be fine.."

Then was when Kittai spoke up again, "Now, who wants to go get snacks while we wait?"

"Oh! I do!" Venus yelped, putting his small hands up above his head. His scruffy reddish hair seemed to bounce with the movement. I swear sometimes, every bit of him is so lively and excited.

But at least he knows when it's time to stop, unlike Kittai. She never did seem to know how far too far was.

At this point, she was pulling everyone towards the car we'd all come in. No one argued with her commands of, "Get in the car!"

After that, it didn't take too long to get snack foods from the nearby gas station. I'd stayed in the car, since I feared most people. I was always scared that they'd recognize me and what I'd done in my past.

Can't have that.

It took a good fifteen minutes to get back, and by then everyone seemed to have lost track of time, even Kat. She was too busy making sure Kittai didn't drop what she'd gotten.

I tried to speak up when everyone walked into our little room, but no one seemed to care about what I had to say, until eventually Ash mumbled, "How long has it been?"

Kittai got her cell phone out, and when she checked the time her eyes widened, "Forty-seven minutes..." She said quietly.

"And he's not back?" Kai asked, worry suddenly lacing his voice and expression as he stood.

I jumped to my feet as well, "I told you it's dangerous!" I yelped quietly.

Ash gave me a look before Kai suddenly ran outside. Instinctively, the rest of the group got up and ran after him. Our food was left behind. 

No one hesitated when we got to the forest. They all went right into the darkness, even me.

It didn't take long to find Max.

We all celebrated for a minute or so before suddenly realizing.

We were lost.

And, if anyone had listened closely, they'd all notice the low growling sound behind us all.

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