Chapter Fourteen

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(Hunter's POV)

"And then.. After I found the writing, I found you guys!" I explained quickly. I hadn't said a thing about the spirit.

That was my own little thing, no one else would know.

Ash was still giving me a look, he knew that I wasn't telling the whole story, but I wasn't about to put my experience with my mother's spirit into words for anyone.

"Now..." I said, changing the subject before anyone else could, "We need and escape plan."

Kai immediately looked to Kittai, and before anyone else could speak, he quickly said, "Why doesn't Kittai come up with the first idea? She is the one who got us into this mess, after all.."

Kittai just gave a little whimper and hid her face. Max went to her side to comfort her as Kat stood up, anger clear in her expression, "It wasn't her fault." She growled.

"Oh yes it was!" Kai huffed, stepping towards Kat. He looked as ready to fight her as she did him.

"It was not!" Kat yelled, raising her voice, "She didn't do anything wrong!"

Someone had to intervene, but no one was trying to. So I stepped in, getting between them and pushing them apart as I closed one eye. A part of me cringed, worried that they'd attack me in the process of getting at each other.

"Guys!" I snapped as they both opened their mouths to speak, "Listen. Everyone agreed to vote," I paused to glance at Kai, "Might I mention that voting was as your idea in the first place. Now, it's all of our fault. Because we all voted and we all let it happen. Okay?"

Kat thought for a moment before giving a nod, and Max nodded in agreement as well.

"And." I huffed, looking at Kai again, "You voted for the dare. So if you need to blame one person, make it yourself."

Kai huffed and changed the subject, now trying to avoid the blame game he'd started, "So.. Anyone actually have a plan?"

At that, Max spoke up, "I do! Everyone check your phones, see if we can find directions on google or something!"

Everyone that had a phone and was well enough to help much, Kittai, Kat, Ash, and Kai, pulled out phones and pressed a button on them hopefully. I wasn't sure what they were trying to do, since I knew nothing about cell phones.

A moment passed.

Kat had put her phone back with a sigh of "It's dead," and Kai dropped his to the ground grumpily. Kittai had given a little excited squeal for a moment before handing her phone to Kat and telling her that it was dead as well.

The only screen that stayed lit up for more than a second was of Ash's phone, but he was so distracted by something on it that he didn't say anything. No one else said anything, either, and I think that they assumed that he was looking for directions.

They were all wrong. Instead of finding directions, he'd wasted the time trying to text his girlfriend, Summer.

The message didn't send anyways.

He'd told us that after putting his phone away, and after he did, everyone got angry and yelled at him for a few minutes before they all calmed down and sat back where they'd been, dejected by the failure of the plan.

After a few long minutes of just sitting there in silence, Max spoke up again, "Why don't we... Just all go in a direction.. Just one direction for a while.. Maybe it'll be the right one! And it has to lead out eventually!"

Everyone looked thoughtful for a moment before they reluctantly nodded their heads. It wasn't a good plan, but it was the best we had.

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