Chapter Four

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(Hunter's POV)

I gave a sigh and glanced at Kat. We were both still keeping watch, even though nothing had happened. There were still no sounds or anything, just the same tranquil peace. It was.. Odd.

A silence like this would've normally driven me crazy, I hated the silence.. But this time, it gave my mind peace. My mind allowed me to relax, despite the danger.

It really was something. I didn't want it to end.

But, unfortunately, all things must end. Both good and bad.

A few more minutes slid past before Kat spoke up suddenly, "I.. Don't think it's out there now. It'll probably be safe to check on the others."

I hesitated for a long moment before reluctantly agreeing, "Yeah... I suppose you'd be right.." I mumbled. My voice sounded regretful and quiet. I wasn't eager to leave my peacefulness to go and see people who were likely to be arguing.

Kat looked down for a moment before she nodded, "Yeah... Yeah! Let's uh.. Let's go back.. Shall we?"

I simply gave a nod of my head and started back towards the rest of the group with Kat walking beside me. Neither of us said a word until we were both at Venus's side. Kai was there too, making sure he stayed okay.

"How is he?" Kat asked.

"He's doing better. Slow improvements." Kai replied.

"Is he good enough to move?" Kat questioned.

"No. Not yet." Kai said, "You might want to check in on your sister though. Kittai seemed pretty upset.."

Kat gave a nod before slowly looking around, "And uh.. Where is she..?"

"Should be by that..." Kai's voice trailed off as he gave a glance around, "Tree..." He finished quietly.

I let my gaze travel around the trees that were near us, "Uh... I hope you're kidding.." I mumbled under my breath, knowing that Kat would be upset if anything happened.

Kai shook his head and pointed at a tree, "N-No.. She was.. She was right there.." He said. His voice trembled.

I glanced at him.

Guilt and worry were written across his face.

"She's not there!" Kat yelled, fear plaguing her voice, "Where the hell- KITTAI!"

I quickly slipped my hand over Kat's mouth, "Screaming won't help anything." I whispered.

It was a line that I'd perfected over the years. Though this time it was used for different reasoning.

This time, there was a beast that yelling would attract. Normally, it would simply be the police.

Kat paused and glared at me angrily for a moment before understanding washed over her expression. She gave a solemn nod and gently pushed my hand away, "You're... You're right.." She said, her voice softer this time.

I nodded and opened my mouth to respond to what she'd said, but Ash beat me to speaking.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked from where he was.

"Yeah.." Max said, sounding anxious, "Is Kittai missing..?"

"Yeah.. She is" Kat said, standing tall again, "But we're going to find her. Everyone follow me.. Except.. Except for Kai.. You stay with Venus. We'll be back before long."

Kai nodded, looking relieved.

Everyone else stood up and we set off through the dark woods.

For a while, the only sound that I could hear was our footsteps.

That is, until a bloodcurdling scream echoed through the trees.

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