Chapter Eight

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(Kai's POV)

A long time has passed, and the others hadn't returned. Venus hadn't admitted to me that he was awake, either. He still pretended to sleep.

It was probably easier for him than facing me would've been. I'm horrible.

I couldn't say that I blamed him for acting like that. After all, I did lie to him and then yell at him directly afterwards. I felt horrible about it. I was really sorry. It wasn't fair to him.

Eventually, Venus let out a long sigh and turned, looking at me. He looked dull, unlike his usual perky self. Like he'd been thinking some horrible thoughts for a while.

We sat there like that for some time before I looked away, uttering the quiet, "I'm sorry.." That I was sure he wanted.

Just shrugged and let silence fall upon us both again. I gave a sigh before the silence continued. Neither of us said a word until suddenly Venus whimpered a quiet, "You.. You lied, didn't you..?"

"Wha- No... I really am sorry.." I mumbled.

"Not about that." He said.

His voice sounded hopeless, almost hollow. His tone was bitter and unpleasant, when it was usually lighthearted and filled to the brim with excitement.

"Then... What..?" I asked.

"The others.. Where are they really..?" The hollow voice again.

"I...." My voice trailed off and I soon found myself stuttering, choking on my regret that lying had forced upon me.

"Spit it out." He commanded softly.

"I don't know.. They.. Went after Kittai.. Because she ran off.." I said quietly.

"So you did lie. I knew it." He sighed.

"I... I'm sorry.. I... I didn't want you to worry.." I mumbled.

"It's okay.." Venus sighed, but I could tell that he didn't mean it.

It was just a phrase that, in a way, meant to just leave him alone. It wasn't okay, but he wanted me to just stop talking to him.

So that's what I did. I stopped talking and I stood up and I went to keep watch.

I regretted the lie, but I guess I can't regret it forever.

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