Chapter Eleven

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(Hunter's POV)

My sobs continued for several minutes, as did the horrible thoughts, before they suddenly stopped. I was still breathing fairly quickly, as tears still threatened to emerge from my eyes, and my body was shaky. The thoughts didn't stop.

They were simply added to.

"You're weak!"

"A selfish little boy who thinks it's okay to cry."

"You'll lose everyone if you keep doing that."

I took a trembling deep breath and forced myself to stand. They were right. I was being weak, and no one wanted to be around someone who cried all the time. Especially when it's about an illusion his crazy mind formed.

Anger at myself was beginning to boil within myself, and I soon couldn't control that either. My fists clenched and my gaze fell on an innocent tree that was standing near me. I stared at it for a moment.

"Hit it." I whispered to myself, "Or you're weak."

I really was crazy, but I listened to my thoughts and voices anyways. And next thing I knew, my fist was connecting with the rough bark of the tree. It drew back for a moment before striking the tree again. Pain shot through my hand. I didn't care.

I was going to prove to myself that I wasn't weak. I was more than just a broken kid.

I fling my fist at the tree once more, but this time it was suddenly held back. Delicate, gentle hands had grabbed my arm, stopping it. It was a soothing touch that I recognized.

"M..... Mom....?" I whispered, not looking back at her.

I was terrified. Terrified that she'd reject me if she saw my pathetic face, scared that her face wouldn't look the same. I was horrified by the thought of facing her, she'd be so ashamed of me.

"It's me.." Came her whispering voice. She sounded just as sweet and gentle as ever, the familiarity of the soothing voice brought the tears back to my eyes.

Finally, after several minutes had passed, I turned to face her.

My breath escaped my lungs quickly with a sigh of relief. She looked just as beautiful as ever. I couldn't believe it. This was actually her.

Or was it..?

"Mom...? Is.. Is it really you..?" I whispered out. I had to know.

She paused for a moment before nodding. Then she thought before shaking her head, "I am but I'm not.."

"What's that supposed to mean..?" I asked softly.

"I'm still me.. But I'm only a spirit. I'm not a physical being anymore.. I've passed on, and my spirit has come here.."

My heart dropped in my chest. I'm not sure what else is expected.

"And.. Hunter, my son.." She said quietly.

I looked into her eyes, a tear dripping from my chin.

"I love you.."

That was when I broke down again. However, this time wasn't because of grief, but because of happiness. I hadn't heard her say that for years, since she'd been dead.

"I love you too Mom!" I cried, stepping towards her and trying to throw my arms around her.

For a few seconds, I'd been happy, but now, my arms simply went right through her. I couldn't touch her at all, but she could touch me. My happiness was replaced quickly by dismay, and I was soon crying again.

I was so unstable and I hated it.

"Son..?" She said quietly.

I looked up at her again, tears now blurring my vision.

"I need you to follow me.. Okay?" She whispered softly.

I gave a little nod, "O-Okay.. I'll follow you anywhere.."

She gave me a small smile and gestured for me to follow before taking a few steps into the forest.

Before I knew it, I was sprinting to keep up with her. At that pace, it didn't take long to reach where she was taking me.

A huge oak tree. It towered above my head, it's huge branches out of reach, "Why did you bring me here..?" I whispered, staring awestruck at the tree's size.

She made a little sound, as if to begin an answer, but before she could say anything, I heard a thundering roar.

My eyes turned back to where the spirit had been, but it was gone. Instead, the creature stood at the edge of the darkness, it's eyes fixed on me.

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