Chapter Nineteen

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(Hunter's POV)
We all stared at the creature for a moment, everyone momentarily trapped in a horrified awe. That was our only exit. If we just ran around it, the beast would only move to block us. If we split up, then it still get someone.

We had to figure out a way past it without losing anyone else.

My mind was racing, picturing every idea that came to it before quickly seeing that it wouldn't work out and discarding it. It only stopped with a sudden interruption, Kat yelling, "Kittai no!"

I came to and blinked, to see Kittai walking towards the creature. She was.. Smiling. It wasn't a comforting smile in the least bit, it was horrifying. She looked somehow satisfied, but at the same time her wide eyes betrayed the fear she was trying to hide.

The beast stared down at her, lifting a mighty paw as she grew near it.

It was going to kill her.

I wouldn't let that happen, I couldn't. Everyone else seemed frozen with shock and fear, so it was up to me. I sprinted towards Kittai and the beast, the forest becoming blurs of trees at my sides.

I heard a scream of, "Kittai no!"

Then I felt the impact of a small body that I'd run into. Kittai fell to the ground in front of me, I came crashing down behind her as the creature's giant paw met me instead of its original target.

By then, Kat and Kai had come running, they reached me by the time Kittai had fallen. But the creature had still found a chance to tower over me, it stared threateningly at Kat and Kai when they came near. If they tried to save me, they'd both be killed with me. Kittai, however, was far enough away from the thunderous creature to be saved.

Kat knew this, she heard my shout of, "Save her! Leave me!"

She ran past me, picking up Kittai on her way past. She was pulling Kai by the wrist behind her.

I have a little smile, it was probably the same kind that Kittai had had earlier, the kind where you know you're finally getting all of that guilt pulled from your chest along with the breath of life, where you're finally getting what you deserve. And in the process.. You're doing something good.

I'm saving my friends so they can live on.

The tears that streamed down my face, they weren't from sadness or pain, but rather from relief and happiness.

I could hear Kittai in the distance screaming to go back, it only lasted a few thoughtful moments before I felt the huge paw come down on my chest.

I felt pain, overwhelming pain, and blood filled my mouth. A cracking sound echoed through the forest. Next thing I knew, it was hitting my head.

I heard another crack before everything went black.

It was okay though.

I wouldn't be missed much anyways.

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