Chapter Fifteen

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(I was excited to get to this chapter :3 so I wrote like four of them tonight)

(Hunter's POV)

We'd been walking for at least an hour now. Everyone's feet hurt, but no one complained. Everyone was only worried about getting out alive. And they all would, I thought.

At first I was confident that it would all be okay and that we'd get out alive. But, over time, the entire group began to slow down as exhaustion grew worse. Especially for Ash. He had gotten stuck with carrying Venus, Kai said that it was because he's failed to get a map on his phone when he had a chance and no one argued with it.

When I looked around at each of the group members, I noticed something about each of them.

Kittai stayed close to her sister, and she kept looking down. She was ashamed of herself, I could tell. Her sister Kat walked beside her, though she was paying more attention to Kai than anything. It was a competitive look, complete with a few harsh words she exchanged with him every so often.

Kai looked exhausted, but he'd always retort with a reason why he thought he should lead the group. Kat would immediately disagree with him.

Max stayed close to Kai, he looked similar to Kittai, but instead of shame in his expression, his face contained a look of pain and fear. He was terrified. I couldn't blame him, I was too.

Behind me, Ash looked beyond exhausted. His steps were slow, and his feet looked heavy. Just by looking at it, I got more weary myself. Venus, however, looked very alive. He kept looking around and he'd occasionally whine for Kai and Kat to quit arguing. They never did, of course, and it was better to think that they just didn't hear Venus.

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention.

We couldn't stop moving. The whole time he had been, there had been growls behind us. They were low and quiet, but they were still there. Everyone was too scared to stop, fearful that the beast would find us if we did. We couldn't even try to take it on, especially not in this state. So we had to keep moving, in the hopes that we'd be able to simply avoid it.

However, avoiding the problem proved to be impossible. The growls soon became footsteps, approaching my group quickly. The beast was running, and by the time I figured out what direction it was in and turned around, I was too late.

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