Chapter One

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(Hunter's POV)

We both fell to the ground, with me landing over her. I felt a breeze go over my back with a heavy snake-like thing. Something had attempted to attack Kittai, but I'd tackled her and saved her.

It was clear that No one else noticed it, though, especially when Kittai shoved me off of her and started yelling.

"Hunter!" She yelled, sounding more indignant than angry, "What the hell was that for?!"

I sighed, "Something tried to-"

Kat interrupted me. Unlike Kittai, she did sound angry, "You can't just attack my sister like that!"

Ash took the chance to jump into the yelling, "Just because you're insane doesn't mean it's okay to attack people!"

I took a deep breath, trying to keep calm, "If you'd listen to me-"

"You don't deserve a chance to defend yourself!" Kat yelled, "Not if you attack my sister!"

"Yeah!" Kittai yelled.

"Guys...?" Venus whimpered quietly and suddenly.

No one listened to him, and the yelling continued for a moment before Venus repeated, raising his voice a bit, "Uh.... Guys!"

Everyone turned to him, ready to yell, before noticing that he was pointing. Everyone's gazes collectively followed to what he was pointing at. When we found it, we all froze.

It was some kind of monster. The creature had three heads, one of a wolf, a bear, and a mountain lion, a huge torso that was covered in thick brown fur, giant paws with slightly less giant claws, and the tails of a wolf and of a mountain lion. The gazes of all three of the beast's heads were fixed on the group. It looked hungry.

And I knew.. A hungry animal is a savage animal.

Everyone got still, no one said a word, and for a long moment.. They all just stared at the monster that towered before us. The beast stared back at us. I felt as though it's eyes bore into my very soul, seeing through everything I'd ever done.

I was going insane, right? It couldn't actually see my past... Right?

Suddenly, Kittai got up. She backed up to Kat and whimpered a quiet, "What is that..?"

That got the creature worked up. It let out an abrupt roaring sound that left a ringing in my ears before rushing at Kittai.

On instinct, I ran towards the creature, placing myself between it and Kittai. Kai did the same, and so did Kat. They both stood at my sides and stood as tall as they could, threatening it. The animal paused for a moment before backing up a bit.

I stepped towards it, giving a loud shout of, "Go away!" My voice echoed back at me, causing the creature's ears to twitch.

It turned and disappeared into the darkness of the woods. Everyone gave a collective sigh of relief and, as if on an unsaid command, turned towards each other.

Everyone seemed to relax, until Kat spoke up, "This changes everything." She said, "That... That THING, it wanted to kill us. And it will if we don't get out of here quickly. We have to find a way out. Or we're all going to die."

For once, I agreed with her, "Yeah, we do." I said, "And we will, but-"

I was interrupted by a yawning Venus, "Can we rest a bit first? It's late and I-"

He cut himself off with a scream as the beast suddenly leapt out of the woods and tackled him to the ground.

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